Chapter 5

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"Where are you going, baby?"

Those words rang through my head many, many times. He had his hand on my wrist and was holding it tight. I could feel bruises forming, but I couldn't do anything. I was frozen.

I looked at his hand on my wrist and scanned his face until I got to his eyes. He wasn't drunk. He didn't slur or have any of the characteristics of a drunk person. He wasn't high either. He was just a pervert.

He spoke again. "Where do you think you're going? I thought we were going to go have some fun." And he licked his lips again.

I struggled in his grip. I finally got out of it, but, unfortunately, he grabbed my other wrist.

All of a sudden, a voice yelled.

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF HER!" The voice said.

All heads turned toward the doors that led into the house. Standing there, with their hair tossed, was a drunk Harry Styles.
He was looking at something. Not me, but the boy's hand that was on my wrist.

Harry came marching over to the boy and roughly pushed the boy off of me. The boy stumbled and caught himself.

"Stay the fuck away from her." Harry growled.

"We were just going to have some fun. What the hell is wrong with that?" The boy, smirked.

Harry got closer and they were inches away.

The boy continued. "Aw, is pretty boy mad because he wouldn't get a good fucking tonight and I would? I would be fucking the girl senseless tonight and you wouldn't. My head in between her-" and that's when everything went in a blur.

Harry cut him off by lunging at him and punching him repeatedly in the face.

I was frozen. I was shocked and scared. I couldn't believe what was in front of my eyes.

Soon, people gathered around us and started yelling and cheering for the fight. It was so disgusting.

The boy didn't stand a chance. He would punch Harry many times, but it didn't seem to affect Harry. Harry has the upper hand.
Soon, 2 familiar faces came and pulled Harry off of the boy. The fight had lasted around a minute and the boy looked brutal.

Niall and Liam held Harry back from anymore. Liam and Niall seemed to be struggling to control Harry though.

"Stay the fuck away from her or next time, you won't even see daylight."

I was shocked by Harry's words. Who the hell was this boy in front of me?

The boy, with the help of some friends, limped away and now, it was just Liam, Niall, Harry. And I.

Harry had a cut by the side of his right eyebrow and a bleeding lip. He had a large cut under his left eye and a long cut along his left cheek. His shirt had many tears in it and dirt. So did his jeans. Blood was all over his hands and some of the boy's blood remained on Harry's nek, face, and clothes.

I was the first to speak up, recovering from my frozen state.
"We will all talk about this later, but now, I'm taking him home."

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