Chapter 26

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We didn't talk much after that. No further questions were asked about the dream of anything.

We had been driving for a couple hours and it was now 2:13. I started getting hungry, and I think Harry caught on, because of my stomach sounding like it was a having a war.

"So, you're hungry?" He said, smirking, while looking forward.

"Yes. Are you?" I muttered.

"Yeah. Do you want to stop somewhere?"

"Duh, dumbass, but let's not eat at a fucking restaurant or inside anywhere. I hate eating inside places."

"Well, okay then." He said, sarcastically. "But, let's pullover somewhere and eat outside or something. My ass hurts from that fucking hard seat of this car."

"My car isn't that bad." I said, acting offended.

Truth is, I could care less about the piece of shit. I just needed something that could drive me around.

"Sure," he dragged out the word. "But, if we get food, you have to help get me there."

I turned to look at him. He had that stupid God damn smirk on his face, as usual.

"What the hell do you mean?"

"I didn't get all the way here by magic. I need you to help read me directions off the GPS."

I groaned loudly and rolled me eyes. "Okay."

I put on my maps on my phone and started looking for the nearest place with food.

"Harry, take the next exit." I ordered him.

It looked like there were a couple fast food places there, one of them being McDonalds, the only one I was familiar with.

As he got off the exit, he spoke.
"Where now?"

I told him more directions and he turned a couple more. I looked at my phone, and it seemed the McDonalds was turned at the right.

"Turn the next right, Harry."

He hummed in response. As he turned to the right, we desperately looked for the place. But, that was nothing close to what we were expecting.

What we were met with, was an abandoned parking lot. Literally, it was just a parking lot.

"What the hell is this?!" Harry screamed.

"I have no idea."

"I'm fucking starving and we are nowhere close to some damn food!" He screamed, hitting his fists on the steering wheel.

I tried to keep in my laugh, but I couldn't. It was so hilarious of the scowl put on Harry's face and the way he pouted. As I laughed, he looked over at me.

"You think this is fucking funny? We are in the middle of nowhere due to your great directions." He said, sarcastically.

I kept laughing and laughing. I couldn't help it.

Harry still stared at me, but with a smile on his face.

"Let's go. Wrong exit. This time, let's use my phone." He put an emphasis on my.

He started the car and drove off. Soon, we finally found the McDonalds and got our food. As we drove out of the line, I spoke.

"Where should we eat this?" I said, looking at the bag of food.

He hummed in thought. "Let's just pullover and sit it the back with the trunk open and eat."

It sounded like a good idea to me. So, I agreed.

Soon, we were walking out of the car and into the trunk. If might sound crazy, me and him in a trunk, but the trunk of my car was so big. I didn't have a truck or a small car. I don't know what the names of cars are much, but I think mine is called an Escalade or some sort.

Moving on, we leaned against the back if the back seat and stuck our feet out. It felt... Peaceful.

As we were eating in silence, Harry was the first to speak.

"What happens if they like your audition and want you to enroll?"

"I don't think that will happen, Harry." I muttered, munching on a fry.

"Don't start this shit again, Anne. Now, when you get in, you're going to go, right?" I noticed he said "when," not "if."

"What do you mean?"

"You're going to go to Juilliard, right?"

"Are you trying to get rid of me or something?" I teased.

"No. I just...." He paused to think. "I don't want you to fucking leave, but it's the best to go to Juilliard, Anne. It is the best damn choice."

"What about you, Harry?"

He furrowed his eyebrows and seemed confused.

"What about me?"

"If I do get in-" He interrupted me.

"When you do get in."

I ignored him. "If I do get it, what about you, Harry? I don't think I could..." I stopped

I couldn't think. I don't think I could what? Be without him? Leave him? What the hell was I trying to say? Like I said before, I was never good with words.

"You don't think you could what?" He asked, confused.

"I-I..." I still thought. "I don't think I could be without you, Harry."

I looked up. He was smile. A genuine, dimpley smile.

"I'm always going to be with you, Anne."

"It's not the same, Harry."

He moved closer to me.

"Let's just not think about the future. Let's just love and enjoy the moments, that are now."

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