Chapter 22

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What the actual fuck?

I groaned, opening my eyes slowly. My phone's light was on and immediately, I knew it was that damn alarm.

Ugh, it was Monday. I fucking hate Mondays. It's always hard to start the day of the beginning of the week. So hard.

But, I had to get up. So, that's what I did.

Soon, I was already at the campus going to my classes.

As I entered my first class, I saw Louis sitting in my seat.

"Louis," I said, smiling.

"Hey, Anns, how is everything?"

"It's okay, I guess." I muttered.

Literally, that was the end of our conversation. And I went on with my day.

I got home around 6. I had been so tired from my classes and still had to work on that fucking song.

I wasn't going to let anything bother me. I was going to focus.

I couldn't get any ideas on where to start. Nothing. I was blank. But, my mind lingered to something else.

Peter's song.

He wanted me to finish it on my own. Do whatever I wanted to do with it. Would I feel comfortable though? It would just be the judges though. Not the whole wide world.

I was still unsure, but in the end, I worked on the song. I worked on the song for 3 hours until I realized we were going to be driving for hours and hours tomorrow.

Speaking of that, I had to call Harry. So I did.

"Hello?" His deep and husky voice spoke.

"Harry," I said. "Could you meet me at my apartment around 8 tomorrow morning?" I got straight to the point.

He didn't say anything for a couple seconds, but then spoke up. "Sounds fine. We are leaving at that time, I'm guessing?"

"Yes, sorry about the time. I just wanted to get there at a descent time, but not leave too early for me. Mornings suck."

He chuckled. "I get it, I wouldn't want to leave earlier too."

"So, I guess I'll see you tomorrow at 8?"

"Tomorrow at 8." He paused. "Goodnight, Anne."

"Goodnight, Harry."

And with that, I fell asleep on the couch.

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