Chapter 39

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Harry came back soon after my thoughts. He came back with a couple bandages and medical stuff.

That's when I noticed it. He had blood all on his face and jumper. It seemed he had a large gash against his cheek.

"This might sting a little, Anne, so just bear with me."

He grabbed a bottle of some liquid and put it on a towel. Then, he put it on the blood scattered on my face. I winced.

"What the hell did he do to you?" He muttered, making eye contact.

I wasn't up for a conversation. I wasn't. I was drunk, tired, and wounded.

Then, he scanned down my body. That's when his eyes landed on my midsection.

"Oh, fuck." He paused, then looked back up at me. "Anne, I'm going to have to take off your dress. I know you're too weak to do it yourself."

He stayed looking into my eyes until I nodded. I trusted Harry on that.

Slowly, Harry took off the small top. I had on a bra, so I was okay.

Then, Harry walked over to my bath tub and started the water. I knew what he was going to do. Wash all this blood and dirt off of me. I couldn't even do it on my own because I was fucking drunk and weak.

Then, he came over and helped me off of the counter. He turned me around, so now, my back was facing him.

I heard him unzip my skirt zipper and with that, he took down my skirt.

I wrapped my arms around my body, but once I did, I winced. I hit once of the bruises and it hurt.

I'm sure I looked like hell, but I didn't care. I just wanted to sleep.

"I'm going to beat that motherfucker to death." I heard Harry mutter.

Then, he went over to the water and checked to see if it was warm. The water was already filling up most of the tub.

"You ready?" He asked, motioning to the tub.

I shook my head. "What about you?" My voice came out as a croak.

"What about me?" He looked at me.

"Harry, you're dirty and... You know." I said, walking over to him.

He just looked at me. I know I was being a bit risky, but I did it anyways.

Slowly, I raised up his jumper and pulled it over his head. He had bruises already forming along his torso.

He made eye contact with me as I threw down his jumper. Then, he pulled down his skinny jeans, and stepped out of them.

He looked at the bath and back to me. Then, he grabbed my hand and helped me sit down in the water.

He stood up and looked at me.

"Are you going to join or not?" I asked.

He seemed to make up his mind very quick because he got into the tub, opposite of me. He was facing me.

"Please, Annie." He begged.

I know what he wanted. He wanted answers. He wanted to know who the hell Jack was. He wanted to know why. He wanted to know everything.

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