Chapter 62

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I sat on the bench, beside the door that goes into the airport.

I was tapping my foot impatiently. I was fucking cold and Harry needed to hurry the fuck up.

I didn't really know what to think at this point.

It was Christmas day, and Harry was going to pick me up at a fucking airport when be could've been with his family. I felt so bad, but so... Relieved I guess.

Zayn lives hours away along with Louis, Niall, and Liam. I didn't know where they would be, but I didn't want to ask.

I guess, since Harry called, I would just tell him. I hope it was a surprise to him. I hope, because I wanted to come and see him, in the end. I know he wanted me to see him perform, because he could get a deal or something. All of the boys could and I know that meant the world to all of them. It was a dream come true.

The sound of an engine tool my out of my thoughts. Slowly, I brought up my head from the ground.

A pair of brown, scuffed up boots came into view and I couldn't control myself.

I sprinted out of the bench and into Harry's arms. I jumped and wrapped my arms around his neck. I wrapped my legs around his waist and buried my head into his chest.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and rubbed my back. He spoke first.

"Anne," he paused. "You are really fucking here." He sounded breathless.

I pulled back to look at him. His eyes were searching all over my face, and be had the biggest grin on his face.

I smiled. "I am here."

"You came back."

"I couldn't miss out on that performance."

We untangled ourselves and just stood there, taking in each other's appearance.

Harry had on a light grey jumper, along with those black skinny jeans. Ripped again. He had a skulls bandana taming his curls. He loves wearing those fucking bandanas.

"Let's get you in the car. It's so fucking cold." He snapped out of his trace.

He guided me to the car and opened the door. Soon, we both got in and he drove away from the airport. Then, be spoke again.

"The record producer called the other day and asked for the boys and I to meet up with him."

I nodded in response.

"So, we met up with him the day after I left Kentucky. It was a bit rushed, but I got there in time for the meeting." He paused.

"The boys were already there."

I nodded again.

He took one of his hands off the steering wheel and ran it through his tamed curls.

"Anne, oh this is so hard."

That's when he got my attention to look at him. He was worried. His eyebrows creased together and eyes focusing on the road. He also had slight bags under his eyes with dark circles. What the hell?

"Harry, have you even had time to sleep?"

He chuckled. "Yes, I have, just not much. That's not the problem right now."

"What's the problem?" I asked, so confused.

He sucked in a breath.

"I'm moving to London."

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