Chapter 4

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"We are here!" Screamed Harry.

I realized we were here. He pulled up to the Frat house and came around to my side.

"What are you doing?" I asked him, confused.

He opened the door and reached out his hand for me to take.

"Opening the door for you. Duh." He said, and smiled.


We walked to the front door and opened it. The music was blaring and people were crowded all over the place. Couples were making out in the corners, which Harry and I were disgusted by. People were playing beer pong. It kind of looked... Fun.

Harry walked into the kitchen and grabbed a red cup. He didn't offer me one, which I was glad. He knew I didn't drink.

I walked into the living room and say on one of the empty couches. I watched as one red headed boy drank down a whole cup of beer while playing beer pong.

Soon, a presence was beside me, and I turned to see Harry. He was looking at the boy too.

All of a sudden, the red headed boy screamed, "Anyone else up for a game?"

Geez, he was so fucking drunk. He looked around the room and stared into my eyes.

He opened his mouth to speak. "Anne! Babe, let's go!" He gestured to the table full of beers.

As I was about to speak, a voice spoke beside me. "Mate, she's good."

It was Harry. I didn't want people knowing I didn't drink, and I'm glad he respected that.

"I don't think so. She looks like she needs a couple, Harry!" The red head spoke.

That fucker needs to shut the hell up. Move on!

"She's fine, Brad. Get somebody else." Harry growled.

The red head boy, now know as Brad, spoke again.

"Alright, Harry. If she doesn't want to play, how about you play? Don't be a dick. Just play." He said, pursuing his lips.

Harry switched his eyes from Brad to me. I could tell he was deciding on what to do.

"Fine. I'll do it." He said, and walked over to the table.

I didn't follow. I didn't watch. I didn't want to watch.

"Fuck yeah! You go first, since I won last round." Brad screamed.

By the way everyone around them cheered, I could tell Harry got a ball in a cup.

"Alright, not for long, Styles."

Everyone cheered again. Brad must've gotten a ball in one of Harry's cups because everyone was saying things like, "Chug it, Harry!" Or "Come on, Harry!"

After a couple more cheers from the people, I could tell it was a tie. I wasn't interested much anymore, so I walked away.

I didn't want to see anymore. I know Harry was probably drunk as fuck or something, and I didn't want to see that.

As I walked outside by the pool I spotted a boy looking at me, devilishly? He had dark brown hair, light beard, a bright blue, blazing eyes. He was wearing a simple white T-shirt and skinny jeans. He was sitting across the pool from me. He licked his lips and flickered his eyes from my body up to my eyes.

Fucking pervert.

I went and sat down on one of the pool chairs. I needed some air. It was getting too crowded inside the house.

As I sat down, the boy that was staring at me earlier, came and sat down beside me.

"Hello." Was all he said, and looked at me.

I couldn't tell if he was drunk or not. I was positive he didn't go to WKU, positive.

"What's your name?" The scooter and moved closer to me. I had to get away.

I felt so uncomfortable. And I had to get away. This guy was creeping the hell out of me and nobody was really around unless you count the drunk people and the people in the pool.

I tried to walk away. I got up from the chair until an arm caught by wrist harshly.

"Where are you going, baby?"

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