Chapter 58

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I hadn't done anything Thursday at all. I just laid around the house, and I guess had a lazy day.

Harry's flight was in 3 hours and he called me a couple hours ago, telling me he would come over before he left. So, I didn't do much.

In the midst of those thoughts, a knock on the door was heard and it was Harry.

"Hello," he said, strutting into the apartment.

He was dressed in the same fucking black skinny jeans, but ripped. Not the usual black or T-shirt though. It was quite similar though. A black and white button down, with the top 3 buttons undone, showing his tattoos. Another bandana, black and white, was atop his head taming his curls, and the same scuffed up, brown boots.

He immediately walked to the kitchen. I shut the door and walked into the kitchen. He was in my fucking fridge.

"Harry, what the hell are you doing?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Well, there isn't any food at my place because Niall ate it all and I didn't buy much because it would spoil, so I'm eating here." His voice was muffled by his face being stuck in my fridge.

He pulled out some jelly from the fridge and immediately ran over to my pantry. In his hands was a loaf of bread and peanut butter.

He walked over the counter and started making the sandwich.

"So," he started, looking at the sandwich. "I have to leave at 6:00."

"I thought you had to be at the airport at 7."

He then smooshed the two sides of the sandwich together and smiled at his masterpiece.

"Yeah, but it takes an hour to get to the airport."

I nodded in response. "I can drive you if you want."

He immediately made eye contact with me, while shoving the sandwich in his mouth.

"You don't have to."

"I want to. You wouldn't even have to worry about paying to park your car for there. I could pick you up when you come back, too."

He nodded, then smiled. "I would love that, but Kelly is taking me to the airport, I just remembered."

I nodded. It didn't really matter if I took him to the airport or not. I would just like to talk and spend more time with him, but that was fine.

I hadn't talked to Veronica. I was glad. I didn't know where the hell she was and that worried me, but I was kind of happy about it. I was worried because I didn't want people to recognize her and have her telling everybody my "life story," but, she was gone. She wasn't around me and I was okay with that. She wasn't near my friends to tell more about me or my life, and that's exactly what I needed her to do. Just stay quiet.

A couple minutes his phone beeped and he checked it.

He chuckled. "Kelly wants to take me to the airport now
There's supposedly another party tonight and she just has to go to it." He overreacted that last part.

"A party? On a Sunday night?" I asked.

Usually party's were on Fridays or Saturdays at WKU, from what I heard, but I didn't go to much.

"I guess anything is possible, right?" He smiled.

I smiled back and nodded.

He shoved his phone in his back pocket and push his dish in the sink. Then, he walked over to me with his arms open, pulling me in for a hug.

I wrapped my arms around his torso and buried my head in his chest. I took in his scent. He literally smelled like fucking mints all the time.

He rubbed my back, still giving, and spoke.

"Write alot over the break, okay? We need to start working again on those songs. And when I get back, we are going to and definitely fucking perform them. Hell yeah."

We pulled away from the hug and I laughed at his speech.

He walked over to the door and opened it.

"Bye Annie."

"Bye Harry."

I love you was what I wanted to say, but I didn't. I just let him walk through that fucking door, away from me, and leaving me with those words on the tip of my tongue.

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