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1. Texas has apologized to Alaska 5000 times now. Alaska never accepted. Every time Alaska doesn't except, Texas cuts, ten scars. So far only 7 of 5000 have healed.

2. Alaska is afraid of living in the city. His friend lived in the city. His friend died. His family lived in the city. He hasn't heard of them for 11 years.

3. Alberta has been bullied before - by his own parents. He begged someone, anyone, to help him, but only his brother volunteered. His brother was never allowed to see him again.

4. Saskatchewan once had a terrible day: His mother died, his father nearly beat him to death, and his brother went to war. His brothers didn't live with him, and he wasn't allowed to see them. So he crept out of his house, in the middle of a blizzard at midnight, walked 455 miles to their house. By the time he was there, he had frostbite and hypothermia. He knocked on the door. The police happened to know his whereabouts, and the second his brother answered, Saskatchewan was taken away. He looked at his brother for help. The other sibling just closed the door and went back to sleep.

4. Manitoba hates when people think he is scary or mean. One time, he beat up his brother in anger. But once he saw his brother crying, he ran off. He was found a day later, hanging from a bridge, holding a sign that said, "I'm sorry."

5. Vira (Kayakland) has no family. Hers abandoned her on a remote island, and ever since, she had just stayed there. Waiting. She once tried paddling to see them, and it worked: She saw them! Dead. Ever since, she has paddled to their whereabouts and begged not for them to be dead. But they were.

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