Delaware and Rhode Island

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Delaware and Rhode Island are both very small states, and so they get insulted by a lot of people. So each week, Delaware and Rhode Island count out the amount of times they get insulted, and post it in their own newspaper, "This week, a new record of 47 judgemental jackasses! Forty! Seven!"

And here's your follow up story oneshot.

Delaware had counted 24— in one hour. By the end of the week, he counted 73, and Rhode Island 78. One hundred fifty one wasn't even the highest number— the highest being 193.

"One hundred-n-fifty-one, huh?" Rhode Island said, typing up the story on his computer. He was not. Going to listen. To the loud CLANK CLANG CLANK CLANG of the keys of Delaware's typewriter again. He despised Delaware's typewriter, but he never said anything about it to Delaware, not wanting to hurt the feelings of one of his very few friends. Rhode Island only had 4 friends — no one really took him seriously.

"Yes." Delaware said, putting paper on the printer. "Tell me when you're done."

"This is going to cost us so much," Rhode Island complained as he hit the space bar, "I already have to face the tax demon." He was referring to Washington (the state), who always laughed extremely loudly while skipping around. She screamed a song that went like this: "TAXES! TAXES! YOU HAVE TO PAY YOUR TAXES!"

Rhode Island clicked 'Print.'

"Okay, you can put them in." He said. Delaware put the papers in the printer.

"You wrote three pages worth of it?" Delaware exclaimed, not used to such a long newspaper article. "Well. America's gonna be ticked." Delaware and Rhode Island marched into the newspaper production building - they lived only a couple blocks away from it - and a few minutes later, marched back out, having submitted the 17th article that year.

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