*Think of a serious voice x 83776252638999447* Every four months, the Negative Trio (Negative New York, Malicious Manitoba, and Angry Alaska) host a party. They do it in a basement. It is called the Ranting Festival.
Alaska: We better have my favorite alcohol.
New York: You know you're 18, right?
Alaska: I can drink.
Manitoba: *hic* I can drink. We have *hic* drinking ages of 18.
Alaska: Then I guess I will have to drop by.
Manitoba: The best *hic* drinks are served in *hic* Churchill.
New York: *looks at map* I'll drive him home.

Hetalia Headcanons (Mostly OC's)
FanfictionHetalia head canons are SO unoriginal—but what if we twisted it up a bit so the OC's are also involved? You can post any Headcanon you want and I will put it up. Bonus points if you think of something for an OC. Also, you can post your OC's and I wi...