Reason I ship them: Texas is such a kind guy, and makes everyone feel accepted. He's really sweet but everyone just thinks he's just another dude when he isn't. And Ukraine is so emotionally weak, but so kind, and Texas wouldn't take advantage of her like a lot would and they'd just seem so cute ;_;
No. There will be no reference to boobs here.
I'm talkin' to you, Korea and France and Dennark.
ITS UKRAINE OKUkraine was wandering the streets alone, trying to get away from Belarus and Russia. Those two are so mean sometimes - Russia tried to hurt Ukraine, and Belarus only smiled. Ukraine had a nervous frown on her face and tears flooded down her cheeks.
"What's wrong?" Someone asked, walking around the corner. Ukraine ran across the crosswalk, away. The person only followed. "Miss! What's wrong?"
They wouldn't give up, would they?
Ukraine turned around, and the person unfortunately was standing right behind her, so they got smacked in the face by her boobs. They didn't fall, of course, but they did stumble back. Ukraine broke into a sob. "Third time this week! I hate hurting people! I'm so ugly and fat! UGH!"
"I like ugly people." The person said. Ukraine looked up. Their eyes made contact. "Do you like music?" Ukraine asked. "I love music." The guy smiled and pulled out an acoustic guitar from the case that was hidden behind his back.
He began to play a song.
"You like it?" He asked. Ukraine nodded.
"Yeah, I like it, too." He said. "You wanna know what I like more, though?"
"Sure," Ukraine said sadly.
Her face lightened up as he asked, through the guitar, for her kiss. Through her singing, she said yes.(AWW THIS IS BEAUTIFUL DO YOU SHIP IT? I THINK ITS AN OTP.)

Hetalia Headcanons (Mostly OC's)
FanfictionHetalia head canons are SO unoriginal—but what if we twisted it up a bit so the OC's are also involved? You can post any Headcanon you want and I will put it up. Bonus points if you think of something for an OC. Also, you can post your OC's and I wi...