Headcanon: In reality, Young!Utah was the one who REALLY needed anger management classes...
[Utah's age is 11 in that year]
A broken vase's pieces lay on the carpet, shattered into thousands, perhaps a million. Three framed photos are barely on the wall, the photos destroyed and ripped out of the frames. Their 2 neighbors lay in many pieces on the carpet, about three feet away from the almost nonexistent vase. What used to be the cover of a lamp now lays crumpled on the ground, the ashes of the actual lamp still engulfed in a small fire next to it.
The television has 16 bullet holes in it, courtesy of the semi-automatic rifle that was now also set to flames. The wall has 4 large tears in it, about 2 feet long and 4 centimeters deep each, the knives that did this to the wall all placed inside the door, the points toward the outside of the home, and the handles inside.
Utah laughed like a maniac when she saw the destruction that she had done—and that was only the living room. Blood dripped from her hands because she had grabbed two large knives by the points and threw them in the furnace. They had exploded with the heat, and now Utah had no bathroom sink. She smirked, knowing that this was not the house in which she resided. Earlier, Iowa made her mad by showing up late for the 18th time that month for the World Meeting. This is where he and Illinois lived. Iowa, an idiotic 12-year-old with what could be classified as anger issues, liked destroying things, but not this bad. Illinois would be very angry at him, and probably ground him. The poor boy would spend no less than a week inside his bedroom—where Utah had let cockroaches, stink bombs, and her 3 Dobermans assist her in destruction.
Utah picked a knife as a souvenir and left through the window, creeping to her place to staunch the blood from her left palm. Exactly half an hour later, Illinois was heard screaming at Iowa so loud Utah had to plug her ears in order for deafness not to happen. She laughed quietly as she saw Iowa panic reaching his room. She saw it through her window. "Loser," she muttered, a smile still plastered on her face.

Hetalia Headcanons (Mostly OC's)
FanfictionHetalia head canons are SO unoriginal—but what if we twisted it up a bit so the OC's are also involved? You can post any Headcanon you want and I will put it up. Bonus points if you think of something for an OC. Also, you can post your OC's and I wi...