Annoying Arkansas 4, 5, 6, and 7

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Arkansas can really tick England off. When England makes Arkansas mad, Arkansas tells France that England needs to learn French. England never wants to learn French and always fails, so Arkansas always asks England, "So how's your French going?"

He also makes Scotland mad. More like annoyed, you can't really make Scotland mad and stay alive. He takes Scotland's cigarette out of his mouth whenever Scotland is smoking and says in the rudest voice ever, "Woah, woah, woah, you have to save your mouth for the sheeps that you kiss after you hump them."

He makes North Ireland angry by bringing Irish alcohol into N.I's house and pretending to be drunk. He then collapses on North Ireland's couch, alcohol in hand, mumbling strangely. When North Ireland asks Arkansas what happened, Arkansas would ask how the hell North Ireland isn't dead after "Hangin' around those massive Irish pubs." Then he'd snap his fingers and say, "Oh! Your healthcare is paid by the pot at the end of the rainbow."

Wales is annoyed by Arkansas very easily because Arkansas babysits America's whale. Arkansas takes the whale to Wales' house and says, "Hello, Wales! I brought one of your citizens to keep you some company!"

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