These are not all in alphabetical order, some of them are, but whatever. I'm just doing all fifty states.
1. Alabama can speak French. But he never does. He hates France.
2. Arizona is allergic to...............cell phones.
3. Arkansas wears 16 pairs of pants every day. Somehow, he is only wearing 4 by the time he gets ready for his shower at 8:00 pm.
4. Colorado's all-time fave movie/book character is Voldemort. His least fave is....Voldemort. The only character he knows about is.....Anakin Skywalker. He just thinks the word "Voldemort" is cool. But he hates "Mort" because it means dead.
5. Kentucky DESPISES KFC and thinks it's the worst fast food place EVER.
6. Kansas once tried to sell a tornado. Unfortunately, that didn't work.
7. California went through a phase of copying anything Japan does. That's how we know why Japan doesn't usually say "election."
8. Connecticut is a REAL man. He SO sings to Adele and Taylor Swift in the shower.
9. Delaware makes some mean burritos. No, really, MEAN burgers. They once physically assaulted Denmark.
10. Florida does NOT sell floors. She sells ROOFS. Gosh!
11. Alaska has a SERIOUS issue. He wears a swimsuit in winter. And, 193 SNOWSUITS in SUMMER.
12. Hawaii is NOT CUTE. Understand? She is NOT cute. She's KAWAII.
13. Idaho's favorite food is potatoes. In fact, it's the only food he isn't allergic to.
14. Indiana drives different cars visiting different countries. A Honda to Japan's, a Mazda to Russia's, a Subaru to China's, and a Volkswagen to America's. See if you get it.
15. Iowa was SO glad when he got accepted into the "Ugly Trio." He doesn't know what he joined though.
16. Illinois never got sick. Until he turned 14. He has an illness called "Jerkatosis."
17. Louisiana has a terminal illness. But she doesn't know about it. If she did, that'll be YET ANOTHER thing for her to whine about.
18. Michigan is afraid of spiders, chairs, flies, walls, Canada, ballerinas, pillows, babies, eyes, music, soap, keys, doorknobs, but not tornadoes, tsunamis, murderers, etc.
19. Maine is the most romantic of all the states. Her goal is married.
20. Minnesota and Belarus team up to get their bros to marry them. Minnesota buys stuff like flowers for Russia and makes notes saying "from Belarus" on them. Belarus tells Michigan nice things about Minnesota.
21. Missouri once got his @$$ totally whipped - by a fly.
22. Massachusetts is engaged to a tree.
23. Maryland LOVES fan fiction. No, literally. Fan fiction is her boyfriend.
24. Montana wears Jean EVERYTHING. Jean shirts, jean pants, heck, jean BRAS.
25. Nevada once had a "Hey, Britain!" phase, where she'd shout, "Hey, Britain! Look what I did!" and show him something. After the Revolution, when she wasn't even a STATE yet, she'd say, "Hey, Britain!" and then, "look out!" and throw something at him.
26. New York used to wear glasses. Until Florida ripped them off, saying, "You'll look like a nerd if you wear them." See if you can figure this out.
27. New Mexico is a real p.e.r.v. She shows you who can REALLY be the "Land of Enchantment"
28. North Dakota and Romano are friends because of their temper and their brothers. S.Dakota is "Dakota" and Feli is "Italy."
29. Nebraska LOVES iced tea. She has posters, decorations, even CLOTHING MADE of iced tea.
30. North Carolina plays piano and usually beats everyone at it. EXCEPT Austria. The trumpet is the instrument she beats Austria with.
31. New Jersey is known best for his HUGE garden. Which is creepy, kinda. But, like, Nope. That's not creepy. The soccer ball collection isn't either. It's normal for someone to have 82739 soccer balls, right?
32. Georgia is home to the "I-Am-America's-Mom" bridge.
33. Oregon changes his human name all the time, each one getting weirder and weirder. His original one was Wilson. His first changed was Jacob. Now, it's Floshulam.
34. Ohio is known for ripping up old papers and shouting, "Say hi to me!!!" See if you know.
35. Rhode Island is the only one who isn't scared to row in front of Vira. He can handle pain.
36. New Hampshire is ADDICTED to old school Nintendo systems. His human effing name is MARIO. And Concord's is LUIGI.
37. Tennessee would be Katniss in THG. She'd SO volunteer. See if you know.
38. Oklahoma lives in a FREAKIN' CLOCK. A CLOCK.
39. Texas loves to play the acoustic guitar. And he has MANY Taylor Swift CDs.
40. Virginia is very proud of "Richmond Road." Japan shall eternally nosebleed.
41. Vermont TOTALLY has an Uncle Vernon face.
42. South Carolina hates soy sauce SO MUCH that she used it as revenge against Alabama for stealing her jacket. Of course, Alabama likes soy sauce, so....
43. Alaska is friends with France. No, Alaska is OBSESSED with France. But in a totally non-perverted way. He's still obsessed though.
44. Washington, D.C. thinks that Siri thinks he's hot. Let's not ruin his enthusiasm.
45. Washington's middle name is Tree. See if you get it.
46. Wyoming always puts an "s" before Hitler. Germany hates him.
47. West Virginia LOVES Morgan Hess from Signs. America has NEVER said anything about least not in English.
48. Pennsylvania loves to scare the life out of everyone. England avoids him because of this. England also happens to be traumatized. Who said that people under eighteen are always really nice? Who said that kids can't break the law?
49. Wisconsin totally understands Canada. He's also invisible. But he can do ANYTHING HE WANTS!!!!!!!!!
50. Mississippi really hates counting seconds. He'll count ANYTHING but seconds. See if you get.

Hetalia Headcanons (Mostly OC's)
FanficHetalia head canons are SO unoriginal—but what if we twisted it up a bit so the OC's are also involved? You can post any Headcanon you want and I will put it up. Bonus points if you think of something for an OC. Also, you can post your OC's and I wi...