"I don't know about this; it doesn't look safe." Ukraine said to America that day, as she readied her parachute for jumping.
"You don't?" America seemed concerned for one second, before adding, "too bad!"Wow, America. Way to be safe.
Hetalia Headcanons (Mostly OC's)
ФанфикHetalia head canons are SO unoriginal—but what if we twisted it up a bit so the OC's are also involved? You can post any Headcanon you want and I will put it up. Bonus points if you think of something for an OC. Also, you can post your OC's and I wi...
Way to be Safe.
"I don't know about this; it doesn't look safe." Ukraine said to America that day, as she readied her parachute for jumping.
"You don't?" America seemed concerned for one second, before adding, "too bad!"Wow, America. Way to be safe.