How To Annoy Lets See IDK Certain OCs

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How to annoy the wonderful OCs that were sent in.

And Merritt Island.

Because I said so.

                                           - Middle Earth -

1. Ask her about England.

2. Ask her how she survives England's cooking.

3. Remind her of war.

4. Name the top 10 people you hate...don't give any reasons for anyone, include her, and tell her like 100 reasons.

5.  Ask her anything that'll annoy her.

                                       - Pacific Ocean -

1. Tell her to cry.

2. Ask her about sailing incidents.

3. Ask her if she has a boss.

4. Yell at her. and then tell her to get away from you. on a sail.

5. Make her watch Titanic, and say, "See what you did?"

                              - Lake Athabaka -

1. Ask her why she only likes sad people.

2. Mention her brothers.

3. Ask her if she has any MORE brothers.

4. Say anything ABOUT her brothers.

5. Say that you hate whitewater kayaks and prefer sprint boats.

                                 - HetaIsland -

1. Say that rowing is better than kayaking.

2. Make her lose a kayaking race. Don't. She'll kill you.

3. Make her watch Seinfeld while you wash the dishes - loudly. She loves Seinfeld.

4. Tell her 'No soup for you' whenever she insults rowers.

5. Talk shit about kayaking, archery, Seinfeld, hetalia, or ships that she ships.

                  - Merritt Island -

1. Ask her if she's ever heard of winter.

2. Give her toothpaste instead of sunscreen.

3. Give her GLUE instead of sunscreen.

4. Touch her elbow with your thumb.

5. Comment on her nose. Say it's, "Unusually large."

Hetalia Headcanons (Mostly OC's)Where stories live. Discover now