Chapter 82

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Jack's question hangs in the air for a moment, but then Miles answer it like it were obvious.

"Why of course, she's all yours!" He cheers and pushes me in Jack's direction. I glare at Miles for treating me like a puppet, however his focus is already elsewhere.

"Do you mind?" Jack mumbles, holding out his hand for me. I stare at it doubtfully. "Please, only for a minute or two."

Jack is almost pleading with me and without a word I put my hand in his. My mind is screaming that this is a bad idea, but my body won't listen. It's still wake and fuzzy and won't listen fully to my brain. Hence I let Jack lead me away from the crowded areas in the house and we end up in an empty room upstairs. Rather sceptical to all of this I cross my arms and raise my eyebrows expectantly at Jack.

I have positioned myself in front of the door so I can escape if necessary. Jack on the other hand is further inside the room, looking somewhat troubled as how to start. Though I don't want to admit I am curious to what he has to say.

"Well?" I ask impatiently when he keeps quiet. This gathers his full attention and his eyes are filled with something unusual. Is it fear?

"Sarah..." He starts in a mumble, but trail off immediately.

"That is my name." I gloat, overly proud with my own joke. Jack however doesn't seem to find any humour in it, as his frown only gets bigger and bigger.

"Look, do you have something to say? Because otherwise I plan on finding my friends and get hammered." I point out, rather bored. I was actually hoping for... Well I don't know, something! This is Jack there's always shit going around him and I was expecting something to be up. Believe it or not, I barely do myself.

I turn to leave but Jack seizes my arm. "No wait, I do have something to say."

"Well then do so and stop standing there like a retarded goat." Once again I find myself utterly hilarious and snicker at my own comment. Jack, on the other hand, barely even cracks a smile. Shouldn't this be reversed? Shouldn't I be the one moping over him being a complete jackass and him trying to crack jokes?  He remains quiet and now my patience has run out.

"Jack if you don't say whatever it is you wish to say in one minute I'm leaving." I tell him with a stern voice. I've had it with his bullshit.

"I'm sorry." The words rush out of his mouth and I look at him surprised. Where the hell did that come from?

"Come again?" I ask puzzled, creating a frown of my own.

"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry, for everything." He repeats, this time slower and I squint my eyes at him.

"Really?" I ask cynically. "And exactly what are you sorry for? Having to sleep with me or the fact that you got caught?" I inquire with a poisonous voice. Jack's eyes grow big and he shakes his head.

"I will never regret sleeping with you." He says quickly and my eyebrows shoot up at this comment. Once again Jack looks pressured. "I meant it as something positive." He insists and I laugh coldly. Jack shuts his eyes, understanding the mistake he just made.

"Did you now?" I mock him, with a voice full of hatred. "How can you possibly think I'll take that as something positive? Should I feel joy that you don't regret sleeping with me? Because I don't! Frankly I regret even giving you a chance, more so having sex with you! And the fact that you believe that "sorry" will make things right, you are just so full of yourself aren't you?" I spit out the words and jerk free from his hold on my arm.

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