Chapter 52

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"Dinner is ready." I say loudly to make myself heard over their loud argument. Elena's face lightens up when she sees me and then runs past to the kitchen.

Jack stands up from the sofa with a grunt. "Finally," he mutters.

"You know, I did say that you could prepare the food instead of keeping Elena occupied."

"Need I remind you that it's me you're talking to, that food would've been burned to bits." He clarifies.

"Yeah, you're probably right." I mumble with a smile. "Can you please try and be a little bit more nice to Elena though? She's only a child, Jack."

He lets out a sigh and nods. "Fine, I promise. I can't believe you called her an angel though."

I smile sweetly and peck his lips. "Thank you and she is, you just have to get to know her." He completely ignores the last part about Elena being an angel.

"No problem, though I'll need one more of those before I can function properly." He mumbles huskily, sneaking his arms around my waist.

I laugh and roll my eyes. "Of course you do." I say and lean up to peck his lips again. This time he is ready though and catches mine in a kiss.

"Eww! Gross!" Elena's voice interrupts us and I freeze.

Oh, crap.

"Elena!" I breathe and turn around, Jack's arms are still around me.

"Why is he eating your face, Sarah? Do I need to help you get rid of him? Is he dangerous? Are you hurt? We can go to the hospital right away! My food can wait." I can't help but laugh at Elena. While she had her little panic attack, she ran up to me and is now clutching my hands tightly.

"Elena." I say loud and clear to get her to be quiet.

"What?" She says worried with big puppy eyes.

"I'm fine." I tell her, emphasising each word so that her little brain will understand. She's not stupid, but sometimes children's brains just jump to crazy conclusions. No wait, crazy grown ups do that too.

"Are you sure? Because he was eating your face out and was completely harassing your tongue, I saw it myself!" Harassing, seriously? What is she? Like four? What four year old has that type of vocabulary?

"Though that's what my mum and dad does to one another every now and then. Eww! Are you like my mum and dad?" Her eyes grow big suddenly. "Are you in love?"

Oh no. This is not good. First of all, Jack and I have never had that conversation. I am not sure if we will ever have it and second of all, what if Elena tells on us? She can easily slip this through to her mum, who will then tell my mum, who will freak. Shit. Shit. Shit.

"What? No! Elena don't be ridiculous." I laugh nervously and I can feel Jack loosen his grip around me. I hope he doesn't take this the wrong way. "Jack was only helping me." I start to lie.

"With what?" Elena frowns.

"Well, I had some problems with my tongue, which could only be fixed if someone gave me a kiss... Yeah, that's how it is! Jack had to help by kissing me!" I say trying to sound super confident. "Isn't that so, Jack?" I say rather forced to make him get my point.

"Uh, yeah. I was just helping her." Jack mutters behind me, still having an arm around me. "And you know what?" He continues huskily and I start feeling alarmed. "We didn't get to finish because you interrupted us, so I'll have to help Sarah a bit more." He turns me around and seeks my lips.

Once again Elena makes a disgusted noise and then runs out of the room. Rather quickly I pull away from the kiss and hide against Jack's neck.

"What are we supposed to do now?"

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