Chapter 2

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"Mum?" I call out, exiting my room and my voice drops flat in the empty house.

"Muuum?" I raise my voice but get no answer. Where is she?

I start looking through every room. Has she left?

"MUM!" I scream. No answer.

She is not home. Why didn't she tell me she was going out? I pick up my iPhone and dial mums number. No answer. That is a common thing today.

"Are you kidding me?" I yell at the phone and dial one more time. Mum doesn't answer this time either and I am starting to get bothered. I call one more time and this time she answers.

"Sarah, this is not the best time," is the first thing she says.

"Hello to you too, mother, where are you?"

"I am at the police station and as I said; this isn't the best time." She urges, but I ignore her.

"The police station? What are you doing there?" I ask worriedly.

"A slight situation that has... come up." Mum says slowly and I hear someone talking to her, but it all turns to mumbles in my phone.

"Mum? Hello? Are you all right?" I say loud into the phone. Why is she at the police station?

"Yes, sweetie, I am all right, but I can't talk to you right now. I will see you at home, okay?" She says in a voice which confirms that this conversation has reached its end.

"Okay, mum, see you soon?" I ask with the voice of a five-year-old.

"Of course, bye honey." She says and hangs up.

"Bye mum." I whisper into the phone.

Feeling worried, I sit down on the sofa and turn on the TV to ease my mind. Mum was okay, she said so on the phone, still I can't help but feel anxious.

What possibly could have happened? Mum never has any problems with the police and besides, she was home about an hour ago. What made her leave so suddenly? Maybe it is someone we know that's in trouble.

The TV doesn't make any difference and restlessly I start to pace up and down the living room. I can't just sit here and wait for mum to get home, I need to do something to clear my mind. Hastily I put my jacket and shoes on and go out the door, getting some fresh air is never wrong.

Lucky for me my headphones lie in my back pocket, I plug them into my phone and press play. "I Could Be the One" with Avicii and Nicky Romero starts to pound in my ears and I turn up the volume.

Walking down the street I don't care about where I am heading, I just need to get out.

Rain is drizzling from the sky and my hair soon becomes damp, but I don't mind. I pass school and think unhappily about that I soon will be back there again.

There aren't enough words in the world to describe how extremely tired I am of school, but you can see it on my grades. They are only getting worse and mum keeps reminding me.

When summer is over I will start my last year on Greenstone High. After that, I am free, for some time at least. Mum keeps nagging me about going to university, which I want to, but I have no idea of what I shall study. Right now my main focus is getting out of this town once I'm done with school.


"Mum, I am home!" I scream, put my keys on the counter and take off my jacket. "Mum? Are you home?" I call out again when I don't get an answer.

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