Chapter 22

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"You could say that," Jack says and runs his nose down mine.

"Is there something you want, Davis?" I narrow my eyes at him, slightly worried about this.

"You know what I want, love."

"Not this again! When I said that you have to be patient I wasn't referring to a couple of hours, Jack!"

"At least tell me why," he insists.

"I already have-"

"The truth, Sarah, I know were lying before."

I hesitate. Jack leans even closer and he surrounds me with his breath, his incredible body and his amazing scent. He is seriously overwhelming me.

"Why won't you kiss me?" Jack's eyes pierce into mine. I sigh tiredly, there is no use in lying anymore.

"Because I have never done it before." I snap, irritated that I had to reveal my secret.

"What?" Jack blinks dumbfounded at me.

"I- I've never kissed someone before." I whisper and look away from his piercing gaze. Jack stares stupidly at me, obviously having a hard time believing what I just told him.

I knew that it would turn out like this, unhappily I close my eyes ready for his mocking.

"Why didn't you just tell me?"

My eyes fly open and blink at Jack in surprise.

"Because I know you would give me that look." I glance away again, staring at the enormous city surrounding us. A siren is sounding from a distance, sweeping through the city.

"What look?"

"That look, the one you are giving me right now," I say upset and meet Jacks eyes. He is just staring at me, confused now.

"You just looked at me as if were stupid and I get it, you think I am a prude who thinks too highly of herself and that is why no boy ever wanted to be with me," I tell him with a tired sigh.

"Hey," Jacks hand grip around my chin, holding my head carefully. "I never thought that. I gave you a confused look because I can't understand why no one has shown any interest in you before. It doesn't make any sense."

"Does it disturb you that much?" He asks concerned when I remain silent.

"No, or well it didn't, not until you intruded my life." I admit after a while.

"Why do you care so much because of me?"

"Because it's what you do, Jack. From what I've heard you are a great kisser, and a bunch of other things that I don't even want to think of. If I would have kissed you when you asked me, you surely would have noticed that I am a beginner."


"So... I was afraid that you would mock me," I tell him silently and Jack grits his teeth.

"Do you really think that low about me?"

"Honestly, yeah."

"Gee, thanks," he says bitterly and I look down.

"Sorry," I whisper and Jack shakes his head.


"So you don't think lower of me because I am un-kissed?" I ask insecurely and glance up at him.

"Of course not, actually I think it is quite positive."

"Why is that?"

"Because it gives me an excuse to teach you," he grins and his lips are inches from mine.

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