Chapter 6

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My head is throbbing, and I feel nauseous. Reluctantly I open my eyes and sit up, the sudden movement makes me dizzy and I slowly lie down again. Closing my eyes for a minute, I realize that I am not in my bed and the surface I'm lying on is rock hard. Once again, I open my eyes and look around the room, I am in the kitchen.

How did I end up here?

My stomach grumbles loudly and I resist the urge of running towards the bathroom. Once the dizziness is reduced I dare to stand up, leaning heavily against the kitchen table.

Did I sleep here last night?

The aching from my back tells me that I must have, the pain makes me groan loudly. What in the world happened? While I stutter out of the kitchen and into the living room, last night comes to me in a flash.

Jack threw a party.

In my house.

The place was packed with people.

"Oh god...!" I crack when I enter the living room.

In front of me lies a complete mess. Cups are thrown all over the floor and there's garbage every here and there. Some weird liquid has been spilled on the sofa and mum's vase, made out of glass, lies shattered on the floor.

"Oh shit, shit, shit!" I cuss and walk towards where the pieces are lying. "No, noo... nononono! This isn't happening!"

Feeling hopeless, I sink down on the sofa and put my head into my hands. How can I possibly explain this to mum?

I can't blame everything on Jack, because I was stupid enough to let myself get drunk.

Why did I do that? Why was I so stupid that I let Jack get to me?

Suddenly he bumps down next to me on the sofa. "You alright?" He asks and grins when he sees my face. I keep silent. "I take that as a no," he snickers, and I glare at him.

"Yeah, you should, this whole place is a mess thanks to you!"

"Thanks to me? You are the one that could have stopped it if you wanted to, but you didn't. Which I am personally very happy about, but don't you dare blame this on me. You are just as guilty."

"I know." I groan unhappily and fall back in the sofa. "I'm screwed." I cover my face with my arm.

"No, you're not."

"Have you looked around, Jack? The house is a complete mess! Mum's glass vase is broken for crying out loud!" I cry and throw out my arms towards the mess in front of me.

"I can't do anything about the vase, but I do know how to clean up after a party. I have thrown one or two before, you know."

"I can imagine that." I agree sarcastically.

"Precisely and as your new friend, I see it as my duty to help you clean up." Jack tells me, and I look at him. My new friend? God, how wasted was I? I have no memory of befriending Jack.

"We're friends?" I ask puzzled and Jack looks at me.

"You don't remember last night, do you?" He smirks, and I blush.

"It is a bit... blurry." I tell him and he chuckles.

"You are not used to being drunk, huh?" Jack asks, but I know that he already knows the answer.

"Not really." I pause and hesitate for a moment. "Actually, I have never been that drunk before." I continue, and Jack raises his brows.


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