Chapter 36

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"You are mad at me." Jack breathes into my ear, dragging me towards him. I crash into his chest and feel his arms tangle around my waist. Closing my eyes, I breath a couple of times, trying to keep calm, however I feel like screaming and crying at the same time and I refuse to get charmed by Jack again.

"You think?" I ask him dryly.

"No. I know," he answers and runs his nose down my neck.

"Jack-." I try to pull free, I just can't do this, but he stops me.

"Sarah, please don't be mad." He starts massaging my lower belly with his hands. I close my eyes and lean against his chest, tears burning beneath my eyelids.

"I'm not mad. I'm hurt." I whisper and a tear escapes my eye.

Jack freezes and his arms slopes against his sides. Hesitating a bit, I turn around and meet his gaze. It is clouded and insecure.

"You hurt me, Jack, big time." I tell him with a sob and look at my feet. He just stands in front of me, not reacting to what I tell him. "Don't you have anything to say?" I ask him, starting to get angry. Jack opens his mouth and then closes it again. Still looking at me with that insecure look, I have never seen him like this before.

"You don't care. You don't give a shit about me, do you? You don't regret it one bit, huh?" Tears stream down my cheeks now, I can't help it, they are uncontrollable. Jack's eyes are filled with horror now and it is as if he is seeing me for the first time, again. Honestly, how many times is he going to give me that look?

Yet he keeps quiet.

"You know what? Just forget it, I knew I never should have gotten into anything with you! But you managed to fool me, so I guess the blame is on me." With these words I rush out of the kitchen, not bothering to clean up after me. I rush up to my room, locking my door as I go, and throw myself on the bed. Crying uncontrollably into the pillow.


Two days passes with me still being home from school and keeping my distance from Jack.

Keira has called every day and complained loudly about me dumping her in school. I have tried to act sick towards her, but I don't think that she is buying it.

At home there is a tension between Jack and me, which is so intense that you can almost touch it. We haven't spoken since my outburst and Jack's horrified look has been exchanged to a cold one.

The crying has stopped and therefore the side effects that were shown before has disappeared. Mum is sceptical about my sickness, I am not sure if she ever believed my scam, maybe she just wanted to be nice. However she allowed me to stay home today too. I do need to solve this with Jack somehow, since I have to be back in school next week, which gives me three days to set this right.

Today has been just like the previous ones, I have been staring at the TV all day and texting with my friends. I have checked Facebook and put a photo of my teacup on Instagram, telling people that I am sick. Just like any other cool kid in my age would.

Because that is what Instagram is; cool.


It is better than just sitting around feeling sorry for myself though and it is a distraction too.

The afternoon comes pretty quickly and suddenly I hear the door open. Jack steps inside, taking off his jacket and shoes. He walks into the kitchen and drinks a glass of water, completely ignoring me.

Seriously this has to end.

Sooner or later we have to talk about all of this and I don't think he will start the conversation. With a sigh, I stand up and head into the kitchen.

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