Chapter 13

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I close my eyes as a baby starts screaming, it is obviously unable to pressurising. The poor thing.

Though I should rather say poor me, since it sounds worse than a fire alarm.

We quickly gain height and after a while the seatbelt sign goes off. A large amount of clicking starts and people are making themselves comfortable. I keep mine closed, it is not like I can move anyway. Might as well be secured if anything happens, even though the chance of crashing is one in a million, or something like that.

Once it is free to move around in the plane, some stewardesses' start walking through the plane, asking people if they would like something drink. Since we are in the middle section of the plane, it takes a while for them to get to us.

Jack's got the window seat and mum is closest to the aisle, which leaves me in the middle.

I escape the possibility of might being forced to talk with Jack by plugging in my ear buds. Grinning, Jack shakes his head at me and I raise a brow at him. Suddenly mum stands up from her seat.

"Where you going?" I ask horrified, taking out an ear bud.

"To the toilet, where else could I possibly go?" Mum asks, looking at me as if I am a moron.



Popping my ear bud back in place, I turn up the volume.

Jack turns to me once mum has left and pull out my other ear bud. I give him a death glare and try to put it back, but he seizes my hand. He then leans closer to my ear so that he can whisper in it.

"I know you are mad at me, but we are going to sit here for about eighty minutes. Sooner or later you will have to talk to me Sarah," he says silently, his breath tickling my ear and I shiver.

"No I won't." I tell him, keeping my voice steady.

"Yeah, you do and I am taking the opportunity to give you this offer while your mum is away."


Jack grins, leans even closer and put my hand in his. I glare at him.

"You know, I have never tried anything on board a plane and a membership of the High Mile Club would be something to brag about," he whispers in my ear and strokes my hand with his thumb. The connection sends shivers through my body and I blush at his statement.

"High Mile Club?" I say with a high-pitched voice. Isn't that the one which you can join if you have had sex on an airplane?

"Exactly." Jack smirks. "Therefore, I suggest that you and I sneak in to one of the toilets and have sex," he proposes and looks intensely at me.

My cheeks get hot immediately and it is as if I have a thousand butterflies in my stomach. Even though I know Jack isn't serious this makes me incredibly elated. Not knowing what to answer I laugh.

"I am serious," he tells me and I stop.

"You are serious?"

"Deadly serious." Jack says determined. "You and me on the toilet in fifteen minutes," he purrs seductively in my ear.

"Right." I roll my eyes and bump his shoulder.

"Fine, maybe not, but at least you are talking to me now," he says and looks at me amused. Looking much happier than he did in the car.

"That might be, but I am still pissed at you."

"Of course you are." Jack says and squeezes my hand.

"Do you know why?"

"Not really."

"Don't you want to know why?"

"Nah, I am used to you being mad at me. Whatever the reason you will get over it," he shrugs and smiles cockily.

I frown at him. "How can you be so sure about that?"

"Because you like me," he says confidentially.

"What if I have changed my mind?"

"You haven't."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because otherwise you wouldn't be holding my hand right now," he points out with a smirk.

Remorsefully I release his hand and miss the warm feeling instantly. Jack raises a brow at me and I let out a groan in complainant before sticking my hand into his again.

"Told you so," he says, full of self-confidence.

"Shut up or I will let go again."

"You sure are feisty." Jack says and nuzzles my hair.

"I am still mad at you Mr. Snuggles." I press my hand at his face and push him away. This makes him smile, but he then releases my hand. I frown at him, but figure out why when mum bumps down beside me. Jack raises his brow at me and I smile shyly at him. He grins and leans in one more.

"My offer still stands," he whispers in my ear.

"Keep on dreaming, Davis." I say turning my head towards him. We are super close; my mouth is almost against his chin.

"Oh I will," he says, his voice full with promise and then he leans back in his chair. Relaxing his head against the chair, winking at me and then closing his eyes.

Mum is completely oblivious to everything, reading her newspaper and solving a crossword while listening to music. I smile for myself and lean back in my chair.

Jack has his arm on our armrest and I carefully raise my hand to draw a finger smoothly over his hand. A little smile plays on Jack's lips and he tiredly opens his eyes to look at me. Our eyes lock for a moment and it is like a contest, between the two of us, who will break the contact first. With a quiet laugh Jack brings his hand up to my face and pokes me in the cheek with a finger. I giggle and poke him back.

"You don't want to do this, Reed." Jack warns me.

"Do what?"

"Start a tickle war."

I smile. "I think I do."

"No, you don't and if you do, you will lose."

"You think very highly of yourself, Davis." I tell him smiling, but am actually serious.

"Of course, why shouldn't I? If I don't think highly of myself no one else will," he says and looks at me.

I consider this and nod. "True, but you seem to suffer from overconfidence."

"What are you? My doctor?"

"No, but I am the daughter of your psychologist."

"Don't remind me, my sessions starts next week." Jack groans.

"Come on, it can't be that bad. She just wants to help you." I say, sitting up to look at him properly. Jack stares out the window and watch the clouds for a while.

"How can you be so sure?" He asks, looking at me puzzled.

"She is my mum, Jack. Of course I am sure." I tell him and smile kindly.

"Right, whatever," he shrugs and close his eyes again.

I sigh.

It is hopeless to have a normal conversation with him if he is going to shut off as soon as I say something he doesn't approve off. Tiredly I lean back and close my eyes.

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