Chapter 24

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I hesitate.

I really don't want to answer, not after last night.

"Do you want me to take it?"

Stunned I stare at Jack.

"Really?" I ask and he shrugs. Handing him the phone, he answers.

"Karen?" He says indifferently into the phone and I hide against his neck, scared of what will happen. I can hear mum talking, however I can't make out what she is saying.

"She is in the bathroom." Jack says into the phone.

Oh crap, they are talking about me.

My reaction to this is to curl up even more against Jack's neck. He registers my movement by putting his arm around me and giving me a reassuring smile. I believe mum is giving Jack some information, because all he does is murmur agreeing into the phone.

"Yeah I will tell her that. Okay, bye." Jack says and hangs up.

"What did she say?"

"We are checking out in less than two hours and the plane leaves at four, so we should start gathering our stuff soon." Jack tells me and puts back my phone on the nightstand. "Nevertheless, two hours is quite a while, so we still have some time left for more fun things," he smirks, pulling me close and I get that tingling feeling in my stomach.

Jack tries to kiss me, but I stop him.

"What now?" He groans impatiently.

"Was she angry?"

"She sounded pissed, but she will get over last night. Trust me, I know."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because I get into shitty situations all the time and people get angry with me, but it doesn't last forever, Sarah." He says, stroking my hair behind my ear. I nod, still doubtful.

"Jack, why are you doing this?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why are you being all sweet towards me? You haven't exactly been it before and now all of a sudden you care about my feelings. Why?"

"Do you enjoy fighting with me?"

"Of course not."

"Exactly. Neither do I, so why bother doing it? You think my normal behaviour is annoying and disrespectful, so I guess I have to change that and besides; this...-," he touches my cheek and kiss my nose. "Is so much better than fighting."

"So the only reason you are doing this is to make sure I don't fight with you?"

"Well yes," he says simply and I start to pull apart, but Jack seizes me.

"And I like you," he says slowly and I swear everything stops.

"You what?"

"I like you."

My heart skips a beat.

"You like me?" I say, unable to breathe. I think my heart just stopped and my stomach is doing backflips.


I am not sure how to react to this new information. Frankly my brain is standing still at the moment. I can't think straight, all I feel is utter happiness. My body is tingling and I can't help but smile, however the doubt is still there. It is Jack I am talking to after all.


"Why? Why wouldn't I?"

I give him a doubtful look. Jack suddenly sits up with me in his lap.

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