Chapter 30

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I slam the car door shut and walk up to the house with furious steps. Boiling inside and feel like punching Jack in the face. He is walking behind me, locking the car as he does so.

I unlock the front door and step inside the house. Jack steps inside only seconds later and I glare at him. His dark eyes glares just angrily back.

"Are you insane?" I snap at him, breaking the silence,

"No, you are the idiotic one that can't drive properly."

"My driving is excellent! Now I am going to ask you again; are you insane?"


"Then what the hell were you thinking?" I scream and Jack narrows his eyes.

"If you would have kept driving, we would both be dead by now. That is what I was thinking!"

"Oh please! I had it under control!"

"No you hadn't, Sarah, being angry while you drive isn't the ultimate option."

"Nom that is being drunk and driving, Jack."

He just shakes his head.

"Either way it doesn't give you any right to bark commands and carry me out of my own car!"

"I told you that I would if you didn't get out by yourself."

"Who the hell do you think you are? You can't just remove people because they don't please you!"

"Oh trust me, you please me very much." Jack gives me a perverted smile. Taken by surprise, I blush.

"Why do you care so much about speeding? Like you haven't done it before." I tell him, wanting to change the subject and cross my arms.

"I don't have a trouble with driving fast, it was your temper that disturbed me."

"Yeah, well you have only got yourself to thank for that!"

"What the hell did I do?"

"Oh, come on!" I give him a tired stare. Jack actually looks puzzled.

"Seriously, what did I do?"

"You were rude on the history lesson. Honestly, Jack, I am trying as hard as I can to make Keira give you a chance and then you go off acting like a jerk in front of her! Do you know how incredibly nagging she is about you?"

"She is nagging you about me? Why?"

"Because she thinks you're bad news." I shrug.


"Why did you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Behave like a douche at class?"

"I wasn't behaving in anyway, that is how I am, Sarah."

"You weren't this weekend." I whisper shyly and Jack's eyes soften.

"Okay, fine. It is the way I am when I am not with you," he rolls his eyes, but has a little smile on his lips.

"But you were with me?" I give him a puzzled look, not coping at all.

"Yes, however that was in the classroom."

"So you are a jerk with me when we are in school, yet not at home? Why?"

Jack grunts and looks at me as if this wasn't already obvious. I frown at him and cross my arms.

"Because, imagine how Miles would react if I didn't behave like that. It is how I always behave towards others and you said that you wanted to keep a low profile. So, I am keeping a low profile and acting like normal. Me treating you any differently would just be weird, don't you think? It's enough that we are friends, for now at least."

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