Chapter 14

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The plane lands with a bump and some people applause when we hit the ground. Everyone waits patiently whilst the airport staff put the plane at the right gate and Jack is still asleep. I don't think he got much sleep last night since he has been passed out the entire trip. He didn't even want food when the stewardess offered us some.

I glance worriedly at him, he looks fine but it is hard to tell. I let him sleep since we aren't able to move, the seatbelt sign is still on. When I turn my focus away from Jack, I realise that mum is watching me.

"How are things between you two?"

"Good, we don't fight anymore... well, not like before." I tell her and smile a little.

"See? I told you he could be nice."

"I guess." I shrug and she smiles.

"You don't want to talk about him."

"That is because there is nothing to talk about."

"Right," she answers, sounding doubtful and I glare at her. "Whatever you say, sweetheart," she pats my hand.

The seatbelt sign goes off and in one hast all most every one of the passengers stand up at once, unloading the cases above the seats and taking out their bags. The doors are still closed and I am quite happy about still sitting down. Carefully I turn to Jack and shake his shoulder lightly.

"Jack, wake up, we have landed."

"Huh?" He wakes with a startle and looks tiredly around. "What is going on?"

"We are back on the ground again, time to get off the plane." I tell him and stand up.

They are finally letting off the passengers so now there is a bit more space in the plane. Jack stands up from his seat by the window and hits his head in the ceiling; he must have forgotten how low it is.

"Ouch! Shit!" He hisses and I giggle. The sound of my laugh makes him snap his eyes at me.

"Am I amusing you?" He asks angry and hold a hand over his head.

"Very much."

"You are fucking welcome," he mutters angry and I giggle again. Mum has started to walk along the line and we are alone with an old couple in the middle of the plane.

"You are very cute when you angry." I tell him and he glares at me. Getting out he stands in front of me, looking down.

"Don't. Ever. Call. Me. Cute. Again." He breathes angrily.

"What happens if I do?"

"I will cut off that pretty hair of yours."

"No, you won't."

"Don't tell me what I will and won't do."

We have started to walk down the aisle and quickly catch up with the remaining passengers, which bring us to a halt. We stand still as we wait for the line to move. Jack is in the front, still with raised a hand, rubbing his head.

"Jack." I say and make him turn towards me by grabbing his arm.

"What?" He glares at me. Hesitating for a second I stand on my toes and kiss his cheek. Keeping steady by holding onto his shoulder.

"There, better?"

"No, I think I need another one, on the mouth," he suggests and makes a face as if he were in pain.

"Don't push it, bad boy." I tell him and get down on my feet again.

"It was worth a try."

Walking off the plane, we get amused looks from the staff and a woman smile at us.

"You have a very cute boyfriend," one of them tells me and we both freeze.

Jack's face is priceless; he is in complete shock. Bursting out in laughter, I almost have to drag him off the plane while clutching my stomach.

"C'mon, cutie, we have to find mum." I laugh and pull him toward the exit.

"Don't call me cute." Jack snaps and jerks himself loose. Taken aback I blink at him.

"Calm down, Jack, I was just kidding."

"Yeah, well it is not funny," he mutters, completely pissed off.

"Okay that is it. What the hell is the matter with you?"


"Don't lie. Tell me."

"No. I am not going to tell you anything." Jack argues, shuts his eyes and holds a finger and a thumb around the top of his nose. "It is nothing."

"Yes it is." I stubbornly argue and stand in front of him, taking one of his hands.

"I just have a really bad headache." He mutters, looking somewhat like a five year-old. He is so adorable sometimes.

"It is because you haven't eaten anything today." I tell him carefully, ready for an outburst about me scolding him.

"I guess," he shrugs tiredly.

"We can get you some painkillers and food at the hotel, but right now we really have to find mum."

I start dragging him after me. This way I can hold his hand without it looking suspicious. We walk through the tunnel and mum is standing just outside the gate. I instantly release my grip around Jack's hand.

"Where were you?" She quickly walks up to us when she sees us.

"Sorry, mum, there were a lot of people, we got hold up."

She nods. "Alright, lets get our bags and then find a taxi."

Exiting the airport, we walk towards the taxis. Jack slacks behind the more we walk. When we finally come to stop, he sits down and breathes heavily.

"Hey, are you alright?"

"I am good, I just need to rest and get that fucking painkiller," he tells me, sounding exhausted.

Mum gets a hold of a taxi and we jump in, her in the front. The ride to the hotel is quiet and we arrive around one o'clock. While mum walks off to the desk to check in, I sit down in a sofa with Jack. He sinks down into it and rests his head with closed eyes. Mum raises her brows at him when she walks over with the keys.

"Okay, so, here is your key and are bags are already being brought up," she says and hands over a plastic card.

"Wait? Are we sharing room?" I ask alarmed and Jack's eyes flies open.

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