Chapter 37

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Once again I have fallen for Jack's charm, and honestly I couldn't care less. Having him back feels great and I did get an explanation, yes it sucked but whatever. I can't believe he actually uses that as a method to get girls. What is even more insane is that girls actually fall for it! I guess that they are so desperate to get his attention that anything he does sets them off. Poor girls.

"Want to watch TV and make out?" Jack whispers in my ear and I smile. We are still in the kitchen.

"That sounds wonderful." I purr against his lips and drag him towards the sofa while kissing him. Stumbling into the living room, I giggle as we fall backwards into the couch. Jack is on top and he is completely crushing me into the cushions.

Feeling the need to breath, I pull away from his lips and inhale deeply. Jack just chuckles and moves to my neck. My fingers find their way into his hair and starts stroking it while he kiss and nibble at my neck.

I angle my head to one side giving Jack better access to my neck and get a sneak peak on the TV. "The Big Bang Theory" is on. I laugh at a punch line from Sheldon and then gasp loudly. Jack has run his tongue along my throat and bitten me carefully. Chuckling at my outburst, he looks up and catches my mouth with his once more.


We lay in the sofa spooning; Sarah's hair surrounds her head like a halo. "The Big Bang Theory" is long gone; instead they are showing "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". The scene with the dancing Oompa Loompas is on and they jump around the odd looking factory.

"I used to love this movie as a kid." Sarah points out and smile.

"I think the Oompa Loompas are scary as hell." I tell her and she giggles.

"Yeah, they are a bit odd."

"A bit? They are in the same league as Mrs. Neeson." This statement makes Sarah laugh and I can't help but smile.

"I love hearing your laugh." I whisper in her ear and kiss her shoulder. Sarah turns her head with a smile.

"Aren't you romantic," she giggles, I grin at her and kiss her briefly. She turns back to the TV and I nuzzle her neck, hugging her tightly. It is as if we were a couple and for some reason it doesn't bother me. It is going really well and if this is how I need to act, then winning the bet won't be a problem at all.

I am not used to behaving like this, but Cameron said that it was what I had to do if I wanted to be with Sarah. Luckily everything comes naturally with her and I don't have to think things through. Maybe hearts and flowers aren't that hard to deal with. I actually quite like it, and if I shall take Cameron by the word, I will have to remind Sarah of this.

"I like this." I murmur against her neck.

"Hmm?" She sounds sleepy.

"I like this. Being with you." I say as sweetly as I can. Feeling a bit ridiculous. Sarah just laughs.

"I am serious." I say with a hurt voice. She immediately stops laughing and I smirk inwardly.

"I like this too," she says turning around to get a better look at me.

"Good." I can't help but grin at her. She returns it with a grin of her own and I lean forward, brushing my lips against hers.

"You have lovely lips."

She smiles shyly at me. "Yours aren't so bad either."

"Why thank you, darling." I cup her cheek and kiss her deeply.

"Mum will be home soon, we should split up," she sighs as we pull apart and I groan.


She smiles apologetically at me and kisses me passionately, before standing up and walking to the other end of the sofa just to slump down again. Bringing her feet next to mine, she drags her big toe along the arch of my foot.

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