Chapter 19

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"Why did you do that? To make me jealous?"

"No... are you?"

"Of course not!"

"Don't be so mad, you are the one who brought it up." Jack says holding up his hands.

"You are a jerk." I pass him and bump his shoulder.

I knew why he was doing this. It was because of Charlie. Jack just had to prove that he could get any girl he wants, even old people! I walk out of the lobby and in to the lounge, which is even bigger than the last room. There are lots of small tables everywhere and on them are small bowls with nuts in them.

There is a gigantic bar in one of the corners, where a lot of the people are hanging. Actually there are people everywhere and I have a hard time finding mum. Though she will find us when she needs to, her eyes are like a hawk. I stay close to Jack, since I don't want to lose him in the crowd too. Grabbing a hold of his hand. He smiles at me and squeeze it. Still pissed off from before, I just glare at him.

"Don't get any ideas, I am still mad at you for flirting with Clara."

"Come on, Sarah, I was just being nice."

"You are never nice, Jack, so quit the bullshit."

"You are jealous! Just admit it!"

"I am not jealous!" I snap and release his hand.

"There you are!" Mum's voice makes us both turn around.

"Emma, this is Jack," mum says and introduces him to Mrs. Stones. I greet her too and then tell them to excuse me. Sneaking away towards the bar, in the need of something to drink.

I ask for some water and the bartender smirks at me, I guess I am the only one that has asked for something non-alcoholic. Standing by the bar and thinking of what to do with Jack, I am suddenly interrupted in my thinking by a young man.

"Hi," he says and smiles, showing off his white teeth. His dark eyes looking at me with a burning desire that makes my stomach twitch.


"I am Drew," he holds out his hand and I shake it weakly.


"A beautiful name," he says, raising his glass and I blush a little.

"So, Sarah, are you here alone?" The question is innocently asked, but I start to feel nervous.

"No. I am here with my mum and a friend." I tell him, wishing that I hadn't left them.

"I see, but they are somewhere else?" Drew states the obvious.

"That is right." I take a long zip of my drink.

"Are you up for something tonight?" Drew asks, looking at me with flaming eyes and I feel like throwing up.

"Uh-." I start, but before I can answer a pair of hands are on my hips.

"Don't even think about it." Jack hisses over my shoulder and Drew looks surprised.

"Who are you?"

"I am with Sarah, so keep your hands off," he hisses and his grip tightens.

"She said that she was alone." A complete lie.

"Yeah, well, she is not so you better leave before I punch you in the face." Jack threatens, sounding much older than he actually is.

"Alright, alright, chill out, man." Drew puts up his hands in surrender, takes his drink and leaves. Relieved, I let out a sigh and rest my head against Jack's chest.

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