Chapter 50

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The week passes by rather quickly and now we have been in school for almost a month.

My relation with Jack grows each day and he is becoming more and more sweet against me, much to my surprise. We are still secretive about the whole thing and act ignorant in school. We aren't doing the whole "I am not talking to you" part, but we aren't exactly friends either. Though it is hard staying away from each other.

Keira is still completely negative about Jack, but she has finally stopped nagging me about him. I know that she is worried about me, but seriously Jack isn't the way she thinks he is. That is something I have tried to explain lots of times to her, but it doesn't sink in. As long as we don't talk about him everything is alright between us.

I stare longingly at the clock in the classroom, waiting for my last class to be over and done with. It is the last class for this week and today Jack and I are babysitting to a friend of my mother. The child is a girl named Elena and I have been her baby-sitter loads of times. Our mothers are very close so we grew up together. Elena is seven years old and she is like my little sister.

Finally Ms. Larson acknowledges that it's time to quit and the classroom empties in the blink of an eye. Sam and I walk together out of the building and towards the parking lot.

"So, what fun are you up for tonight?" Sam smirks, bumping my side.

"Nothing involving you." I laugh and push him away.

"Ouch! Girlfriend, you are breaking my heart."

"Sorry, sweetheart, but it's only boys that could break that." I giggle and put my arm around his waist.

"Yeah, you're probably right." He chuckles and puts his arm around my shoulders.

"Actually I'm babysitting tonight with Jack." I inform him with a slight laugh.

"No way. That's something I'd like to see." Sam chuckles. "It will probably be more making out than babysitting."

"Sam!" I stop abruptly to hit him on the chest.

He laughs. "What? It's true!" I blush at his perverted expression. "Just admit it, Sarah."

"Never in my life!" I say stubbornly and he gives me a -are you kidding me- glare. "Maybe just a bit." I admit shyly.

"I knew it!" He shouts victorious and I have to stand on my toes to reach up and cover his mouth with my hands.

"Will you be quiet, you moron!"

Sam only smirks beneath my hand and winks at me. We have reached the parking lot and I see my car in the distance.

"I'll see you around." I mutter, but have a hard time suppressing a smile.

"You sure will, princess. Call me tomorrow and fill me in on tonight, alright?" Sam smiles sweetly and I can't help but smile back.

"I promise, Sammie. I love you." I hug him and am surrounded by his gigantic body.

"Love you too, Sarah." Letting me go, he kisses my temple and head towards his car.

Doing the same, I see Jack leaning against it. He is wearing a white t-shirt and dark semi fitted jeans. He's wearing a pair of Ray-Ban and his hair is in it is usual messy way. The look has bad boy written all over it. I can't help but grin when I realise that this hunk is living in my house and that we are... whatever it is that we are.

The grin slowly fades when I see Jack's expression. His mouth is set into a grim line and he stands with arms crossed. His body language is more of the hostile way. I can't see the expression in his eyes because of the sunglasses, but I don't think it's a happy one. Something must have happened.

Worriedly I walk up and stand in front of him. "Hey, is everything alright?" I ask, wishing I could see his eyes.

"You tell me," he says bitterly and then open his door to get inside the car.

I just stand frozen on the spot with a puzzled look. What was that all about? Realizing that Jack is waiting for me, I walk around the car and get inside. Without a word, he starts to pull out the driveway. I know something is not right, I can feel it, but I'm not sure if I should push Jack. He seems awfully pissed off and I don't want to argue with him. I am awfully curious, though, not to say worried, about what is bothering him though.

"Jack." I start quietly, while fidgeting with a invisible spot on my jeans. "What's wrong?" I ask carefully, looking his way.

Jack'a jaw tightens and the car starts to move faster. He doesn't answer me though and I start to get irritated about his way of ignoring me.

Realizing that arguing in the car isn't the best thing, I keep my mouth shut. I will confront him when we get home.


"Jack, wait!" I shout, exiting the car and following him up the lawn. He completely ignores me and continue his walk, but is forced to stop when he reaches the door. Mum hasn't trusted him with keys to the house yet. I wonder when she will do that? If she'll ever do that.

I rush up the porch and stand in front of Jack, holding onto my side and catching my breath.

"Talk to me, Jack." I pant, slightly embarrassed about my lack of stamina at the moment.

"Open the door." He orders in a clipped tone. I just stare at him. As if I'll do anything he says when he uses that voice.

"Not with that attitude I won't."

"Please." He says with a plastered fake smile, still using the same tone.

"Just because you used the word please does not mean that you are polite."

"Just open the damn door, Sarah!"

"Like hell I will, not until you tell me what is going on."

"There's nothing going on." Jack growls and I raise my brows at him. Does he actually believe that I am an idiot?

"Yeah, right." I say with an eye-roll. "Obviously something is bothering you, just tell me, Jack."

"For fuck's sake! Nothing is bothering me!" He shouts angrily and throw out his hands.

"That's why you are yelling." I say dryly and cross my arms. "Just tell me what happened, Jack."

"Why don't you ask that pretty little boyfriend of yours?" Jack growls and pierce his gaze into mine, his eyes are glowing with anger. He has removed his Ray Bans now so I can clearly see his beautiful, angry, eyes. In return I just stare dumbfounded at him.



"What are you talking about?" I ask confused.

"I'm talking about your little dipshit boyfriend, who you forget to tell me about. Honestly, Sarah, I didn't think you were that type of girl."

"Me? What type? I don't understand-."

"Don't act so innocent! I saw you together just now before you came to the car!"

"Wha-." That's when it dawns on me: he's talking about Sam.

He is jealous?

Of Sam?

Who is gay?

I meet Jack's intense glare and get my question confirmed, damn right he is jealous! It is almost making him green. Feeling my heart swell at the affection, I can't help but smile.

"What? You think this is a fun situation?" He growls and my smile grows wider. "Do you think your boyfriend will find it just as fun when he finds out?"

No, he will surely be devastated...

Thinking of Sam and how he will react when I tell him this, I start to laugh out loud. The bizarre thought if having Sam as my boyfriend brings tears of joy to my eyes. Jack on the other hand doesn't find this as amusing as I do. His eyes are turning a shade darker for each laughter that escapes my mouth. Before I know it I am being pushed up against the front door and Jack is hovering over me.

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