Chapter 67

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Jack texted me earlier, telling me that he is on his way home. I am starting to feel quite anxious, since I have decided to talk with him about us today. It needs to be done sooner or later, and I choose sooner.

I am slightly worried about how Jack will take the confrontation. I am not sure about where he stands, honestly I am not sure where I stand in all of this myself. All I know is that we need to have a talk about all of this.

I will not be someone's sexual partner. Never ever will I be that, not even Jack's. He might one of the hottest persons who has ever walked this earth, but no. I refuse.

As I sit by the couch, resting my back against it whilst sitting on the floor, Jack comes through the front door.

''Hey,'' he greets, stepping into the living room still wearing his jacket and shoes. Without any warning, he reaches down and plants a soft kiss on my lips. Completely caught off guard, I just sit still and blink - trying to gather myself. Jack has returned to the hall and is discarding himself of his jacket and shoes. I am still sitting dumbfounded in the exact same spot when he takes a seat next to me. I finally gather myself when I notice that Jack is watching me.

''Uhm... Hey.'' I clear my throat, putting my hair behind my ear. His little act had a greater impact on me than I realize. "Uhm... How was it with your friends?" I ask casually, but I notice a smile on Jack's lips and decide to ignore it.

''It was alright.'' He drops the smile immediately and shrugs. He doesn't seem to eager to tell about his friends, so I don't push him. It is not just for today, Jack barely speaks at all about his life. He has begun to open up more, yet not as much as I wish for. It is quite hard to try and have an ongoing relation with a person that barely speaks his feelings, or tells about himself. Thus, I need to have this talk with him about where we stand.

"I kinda need to talk to you." I tell Jack carefully and his brows rise a bit up his forehead.

"We are talking right now." He points out with a smirk.

"Yeah, well I am talking about complicated shit." I sigh, not really having the energy to do this.

"Okay..." Jack says slowly and sits up a bit more straight, facing me. He gives me a guarded look and awaits for me to begin.

"Well... As you know, uhm, things have sort of happened between us." I start of slowly, unsure of how say this. Jack gives me a -no shit- look and starts to seem more skeptical about where this is leading.

"I do have noticed." He nods when I keep quiet. "What is it that you wish to say, Sarah? Just spit it out." He encourages me, even though I don't feel brave at all talking about this.

"I just want to know where we stand." I rush out in one swift move and let my gaze fall to my hands. For some reason I feel incredibly self conscious and Jack's unknown answer is scaring the living shit out of me. I have no idea how he feels about all of this, but I am soon to find out...

"Oh." Is the only thing that leaves Jack's mouth when I reveal the topic. Now it is his turn to look off guard and it slightly worries me.

"I know you don't usually do this, or whatever." I rush out before he can say anything. I have finally gathered my courage and is about to pour my heart out, there is no turning back now. He has to know how I feel about all of this.. Which is a minor problem, since I am not entirely sure about it myself.

"I know that you usually never focus on one girl, at least after what I've heard from you and others. And I get it, I totally do. You are not used to this and that's why you act like normal, as if we are just fuck buddies or something like that." I explain and stop to catch my breath. Jack's eyebrows has gone up in surprise and he is quietly letting me continue.

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