Chapter 53

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"Has the she-devil left yet?" Jack asks, looking up from his phone as I enter his room.

"Yes, she have. Not that you would know since you've been hiding in here and don't call her that." I point out with raised eyebrows.

"Why not? She's one."

"No, she's not!"

"Yeah, she is. Annoying and immature."

"She's a child, Jack." I argue throwing out my hands.

"Yes and a she-devil."

"Yeah, well, you are the devil so stop whining."

"I'm not the devil!"

"When you act like this you are."

"And you're like your mum when act like this."

"I'm nothing like my mother!"

"You wanna bet?" He says confidently.

"Not really." I say honestly and bite my under lip.

"Either you stop biting that lip or I'll bite it as well." He suddenly says huskily and my stomach makes a back flip. Without hesitation I bite down even harder and give him a little smile.

"Oh, you're asking for it." He growls deeply. I keep my smile and nod eagerly. In a nano second, Jack is in front of me and tugging on my under lip with his thumb. My mouth goes completely dry and I lean into his touch.

"Do you want me to kiss you, Sarah?" He mumbles seductively and strokes his thumb back and forth. I just nod as an answer.

"Say it." He orders softly, bringing his lips closer so that his breath is tickling my lips.

"Kiss me, Jack." I breathe desperate.

"I didn't hear please," he teases me with a smirk. "The teachers wouldn't be so very happy with their lovely top student."

"I'm not a top student." I say abruptly leaning away from him, completely ruining the moment. Jack bringing his hand to my butt and squeezing it brings me back though.

"You're better than me."

"It ain't that hard." I giggle and then press my lips against his. I drag my tongue along Jack's bottom lip to get him to open his mouth, but he keeps it closed.

"You know what?" He says ending the kiss. "You aren't very nice..." He continues acting hurt and I roll my eyes at him which makes him release me.

"Oh, no you don't." I warn him, seizing his hands and brining them around me again.

"Say the word, Sarah."

"I refuse to beg."

"I like it when you beg," he grins, only centimeters from my lips.

"Pervert." I mutter and he smirks in return.

"Just say the word." He orders and even though I like it when he is in control, I still hate when people tell me what to do. It is the worst thing to do if you want me doing something. Therefore I step out of Jack's hold.

"Never in a million years." I say confidently and give him a little smile.

"You're resisting me?" He tries to look hurt, but it is mostly an amusing look playing on his face.

"Yep." My smile becomes wider when I see a hint of irritation in his eyes.

"As if you could do that."

"You know, for someone that are worse than me in school you sure have a lot of confidence." I tease him.

"Are you mocking my intellect?"

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