Chapter 21

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"Where are we going?" Jack wonders, halfway up the building.

"Isn't that pretty obvious?" I ask, raising a brow.

"Well, yes, but what are we going to do on the top floor?"

"You wanted to know where I went, this is the place." I tell him and the elevator stops with a little pling. The doors swipes sideways and I step out into the room.

"Wow." Jack says, standing behind me looking around the room. In the middle of the room is a pool and there is a huge bar next to one of the walls. A light is glowing from the bar in different colourful ways. The pool is lit and together these lights give away a very cosy feeling. There are various things to entertain you with in here and Jack gives me a playful look.

"How did you know this place exist?" He asks, obviously understanding that it is not open for everyone.

"I can be quite sneaky if I want to." I smirk at him. "I found this place a few years back and it is my saviour, I can't really stand being down there the entire time so I usually go up here to get some room."

"And do what? Swim?"

"Oh, no, I never come here for the pool... or the booze." I say, walking through the room to stand over by the big glass doors that lead outside.

"This is what I come here for." I say and open them. We are now outside on top of the roof. Surrounded by a gigantic city and the noise it gives away. Car horns are sounding from the streets and the bright lights lit up in a million different colours.

"Damn!" Jack says and walks over to look over the edge.

"It is amazing." I say and stand beside him. "You should see it from up there though." I tell him and point at a little shack, standing in the corner of the roof.

I think they keep cleaning stuff inside, but I am not sure. There is a vent on the side of it, which makes it super easy to climb.

"Come on I will show you!" I say eagerly and drag him towards it. Jack gives me a doubtful look.

"Sarah, you are not climbing anything in that dress."

"Of course I am." I say simply and take off my heels. Starting to pull myself up, being extra careful so I won't ruin the dress or flash my underwear towards Jack.

I am on top of the vent and on my way up on the shack roof, but suddenly Jack's hand is around my waist.

"Get down from there." Jack hisses and pulls my foot.

"Jack, let go!" I scream and wriggle with my leg.

"Not until you get down here!"

"Jack, let me go or I will fall." I panic, nearly loosing my balance.

"I am not letting go until you get down here," he says determined and I try to jerk my foot free, but Jack's grip is too firm.

"I can stand here all evening, Sarah."

"Please! You will get bored after a couple of minutes."

"Oh, I don't think so, the view is quite nice." Jack chuckles, looking up my dress and I blush.

"Alright! I will get down already." I say embarrassed.

"Good," he doesn't let go of my foot.

"Let go of my foot, Jack."

"No. You will keep on climbing if I do and don't deny it. Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way, one of them contains me pulling you down from there and that will not be pleasant."

"What is the pleasant way?"

"Sit down."


"Sit down, Sarah."

"What's with all the demands?"

"Just do it," he says tiredly and I reluctantly sit down, crossing my arms.

"Now what?" I ask childlike. Jack smiles and holds out his hands. I frown at him, what does he want me to do?

"Come here," he says and waves towards him. Realising what it is he wants I blush once more.

"You are not going to carry me down as if I am a child." I hiss horrified and Jack grunts.

"Come on, Sarah, why do you have to be so stubborn?"

"I am not stubborn!" I put my chin in the air.

"Yes, that is exactly what you are. Now will you please just come here?" He begs and holds out his hands once more.

"Why can't I just jump down?" It really isn't that high.

"Because this is so much more romantic," he says sarcastically and winks. I roll my eyes at him.

"Since when do you care about being romantic?"

"Since I have a beautiful girl, all dressed up, in front of me." I blush at his compliment.

"You think I am beautiful?" I ask shyly.

"You are stunningly beautiful." Jack smiles at me, his eyes burning with desire. Blushing I stare at my hands for a moment, not able to look at him.

"Okay, fine." I slide forward on the ventilation and put my arms on Jacks shoulders.

"I am quite heavy." I warn him.

"Bullshit," he mutters and puts his arms around me, carefully sinking me to the ground.

"There, that wasn't so bad, was it?" He says with a smile.

"I guess not."

"But I might as well could have jumped."

"Oh, I know, but this way is much better."

"Why?" I ask puzzled and Jack leans closer.

"Because now I have you trapped," he whispers in my ear and I shiver.

He is right. I am trapped between Jack and the shack wall.

"Shit." I breathe and Jack chuckles.

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