Chapter 23

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I wake up, blinking a couple of times. My eyes are soar and swollen and it takes some time for them to focus. Slowly I drag my hand over my forehead and through my hair.

Feeling too warm, I turn to my side and realise why.

Jack is sleeping peacefully with his arms around me. Spooning me.

I turn around, forcing him to switch position, and caress his cheek. He surprised me big time last night when he jumped into my bed and held me while I cried. Comforting me.

Jack registers my movement with a grunt, but doesn't wake up. I give him a kiss on the jaw line and then rest my head on his chest. With a mumble, he puts an arm lightly over my back.

The grudge towards Jack from yesterday is gone. I can't stay mad at him even if I wanted to. He is a handfull, I will admit that, but in some weird way he always makes up for his mistakes.

I know he didn't mean what he said yesterday. He always exaggerates when he gets mad and says stuff to hurt me. Besides he was right, the whole thing yesterday was partly my fault. I did bring him up on the roof and it wasn't like I stopped him once we were in the pool.

Jack never said that he was sorry, but he didn't have to. I know he is, otherwise he wouldn't have jumped into my bed. It was his way to say sorry, since words often fail him.

Lying across his bare torso, I drag my fingers lightly over his chest. Now this I could get used to. Cuddling with a bare-chested, sleeping Jack, that is all sweet and caring. A girl could easily fall for that.

Troubled I raise my head slightly. Am I falling for Jack?

Worriedly I consider this.

Yes, I am falling for Jack.



Shaking my head, I put it back on his chest and let out sigh.

"What am I going to do with you?" I whisper to him and kiss his chest.

"You could always continue with the kisses, that would be nice." Jack mumbles, his eyes half-open. I giggle quietly and lift my head.

"You would like that, wouldn't you?"

"Oh yes, very much." He grins, eyes closed, and runs his hand along my back. With a smile, I kiss him on the same spot again and the rub my cheek against his chest. Jack brings his hand up to my hair and starts stroking it.

"Feel free to do it again," he mumbles with a yawn.

I kiss him again, and again. Jack groans and I start kissing my way up his torso. Reaching his neck, I stop there to tickle him with my tongue.

"Are you sure you haven't done this before?" Jack asks sleepily, with a stupid grin on his face.

I stop for a second. "No, why?"

"Because you seem pretty damn sure about what you're doing."

"I guess you give me confidence." I whisper against his shoulder and then kiss it.

Jack groans again and I giggle. Nibbling my way up his throat, I reach his jaw.

"You sure have a fine body, Davis." I point out and kiss his jaw line.

"People like to use me for it," he answer and grins, but it looks more like a grimace. I stop for a minute. Jack has been used for his body? I immediately shoot away that horrible thought and run my nose against his.

"Let me enlighten you that I will never use you for your body." I whisper and he opens his eyes.

"That's too bad. I was kind of hoping for it." He says, looking disappointed.

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