Chapter 4

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"Nah, man, that chick was big ass ugly and fat. I am telling you!" Daniel exclaims cockily with a way too confident expression.

Once again, I am mashed up between Jack and Richard, opposite of me sits Hannah and Daniel. I am already done with my meal and now patiently wait for everyone else to finish. Hoping that we're going back home once everyone's done.

Getting bored I start to fiddle with some of the crusts from pizza that I haven't eaten. Can't they finish their meals already?

Regretting eating so fast, I sigh inwardly and turn my focus back on the conversation. They've dropped the shit talk about the poor girl and are now discussing some other poor creature that is unlucky enough to be on their hate list.

"Is this the only thing you do? Shit talk people?" I ask, tired of their endless bullshit.

"What? Are we boring you, Reed?" Daniel asks cockily, leaning back in his seat and putting an arm around Hannah. She looks utterly pleased about this matter of fact.

"Not at all, Daniel." I lie and give him a fake smile. "I just feel bad for all these innocent persons that you talk so badly about." I tell him sincerely.

"As if you never shit talk." Daniel mocks me and raises a brow.

"I didn't say that." I point out dryly. "I was just indicating that ever since we sat down, all you have done is talked shit about people. Now personally I find it tiring to listen to."

"You know, we don't want you here, so you can just leave if our company doesn't suit you." Jack joins the conversation with a cold voice and I blush at his words. Maybe I was a bit too quick to open my mouth.

"Sadly enough, that isn't true." I say, less confident.

"Oh, yeah? Why not, Reed?" Jack hisses and Daniel chuckles at my obvious discomfort. Jack is still turned towards me, but I don't dare to turn my head in his direction, afraid of what my eyes might meet. Just his voice is freaking me out.

"Because we only have one way home and that is the car. So, no, it is not that easy for me to leave."

"Why don't you take the bus?"

"Right, because I want to get molested on my way home." I drawl. "I don't think so."

"Don't worry, I don't think anyone would want to molest you." Jack mocks and I get a weird feeling in my chest. That stung.

"Jerk." I say under my breath.

"Come again?"

"Nothing." I smile sweetly.

"She is not very nice, is she?" Daniel studies me with an evil smirk and then turns to Jack.

"Not one bit." He agrees, and my blood starts to boil.

"Excuse me? I am sitting right here!"

Both boys look at me boringly as if they couldn't care less about how I feel. Hannah wears a stupid smile on her face, obviously enjoying my discomfort.

"So?" Daniel asks, and I give him a death glare.

"Anyhow." Richard interrupts us before we can start to verbally abuse each other. "Should we leave? Everyone is done with their meals." He points out and to my relief, I see that he is right.

"Alright." Jack agrees, and everyone starts to stand up. "Let's head on to Farah's."

My heart sinks deep into my stomach. "We are not going home?" I say disappointed.

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