Chapter 12

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I sit at the breakfast table, finally able to breathe out.

This morning has been the most hectic one ever, since I didn't know about the trip until last night and had to do all the packing this morning. Even though it is just for one night, I need to bring quite a lot of stuff. I became done about half an hour ago and now sit dressed in the kitchen.

I haven't seen Jack at all this morning, which is good actually because it gives me time to think about him.

Jack is eager about us becoming... something, almost too eager and I am not completely certain about my feelings. I like him, but I am not sure if I want to actually be with him. I hardly believe that we can be together.

Jack is known for being the non-relationship type of guy and I don't want to get hurt. He is probably just trying to prove something by getting into my panties; the question is what he is trying to prove though.

Then yesterday happened and now I am not sure about anything. I mean he has been nice before, but not like the way he were yesterday. He didn't behave as an ass even once, which is revolutionary for him.

I enjoyed last night, apart from the anxious waiting, and I would like to relive that again. The only question is for how long it will stay like this?

What if I bore Jack? He switches girls as often as he changes underpants, if not more often.

That is a very disturbing fact and it is the reason I am so unsure about him. I wasn't lying when I said that I don't trust him. I like hugging him though and they way he stroked my hair was tremendously comforting.

All of a sudden Jack walks in and sits on the opposite side of me.

"Hey," he greets and starts making himself breakfast.


"Are you done packing?"

"Yes, I hope that I haven't forgotten something."

"Me too, not that I had that much to pack." He points out and takes a bite of his sandwich.

We eat in silence and I feel a bit uneasy. Last night we were very intimate with each other and I don't really know where to go from there.

I study Jack while we are eating and his dark hair is a mess like usual. Still it looks good, which is incredibly unfair. If I could wake up and look like that, I wouldn't have to bother with getting up early and erase all signs of ugliness with make up.

Lucky bastard.

Jack looks more tired this morning than usual and he seems to have lost his appetite.

"Are you going to keep looking at me or will I be able to eat in peace?" Jack suddenly interrupts my viewing and eyes me closely.

"You aren't eating."

"Because you are staring at me."

"No you weren't eating before I started to study you." I point out and he raises a brow.

"I am not hungry," he shrugs.

"Why not?"

"It is too early, I am not a morning person."

"Amen to that brother." I agree and raise my glass. Jack salutes me with a smile.

"You still have to eat, Jack, we are soon leaving for the airport and I don't think we will get food in a while when we get there."

"I will be fine," he shrugs and looks away.

"Of course, you are always fine." I tell him with an eye roll.

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