Chapter 11

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I am seated on the sofa, anxiously zapping between the channels on the TV. The only reason I have it on is to break the uncomfortable silence of being home alone. It is almost eight thirty, shouldn't they be home by now? Just as the thought enters my mind, I hear the car pull up in our driveway. I completely freeze, by now my thoughts are going nuts.

What if they took him away?

What if he is going to prison?

What if I never see him again?

I hear footsteps on our front porch and it sounds as if they belong to more than one person. Almost praying, I anxiously wait for the door to open.

"Honey?" Mum calls out, walking inside and I hear the door close. She comes into the living room and smiles at me.

"Where is Jack?" I blur out and she looks surprised.

"I am here." Jack is suddenly besides mum. I breathe out in relief and jump off the sofa.

"Oh, thank god!" I throw my arms around him, much to both their surprises.

"Have I missed something?" Mum asks puzzled yet amused.

"Trust me, I am just as surprised." Jack says.

I keep quiet and hug him tightly, not ready to let go just yet. He is here, he is safe.

They didn't take him away, he is going to stay with us and yes, I know, I have complained like a bitch about Jack staying with us. However these last days haven't been so bad and the thought of him getting sent to juvenile prison is too much for me to take in. It is much better if he just stays with us, which he will. Jack suddenly strokes my hair, which makes me look up and realise that mum has left the room.

"You okay?" He asks.

"Yeah." I answer, trying to sound casually. "You?" It doesn't work and I clear my throat.

"I am fine," he states, still having his arms around me.

"Good." I lean my head against his chest, not having the energy to care about what is starting to happen between Jack and me.

"You have been very... close today, Sarah. Is that something I should get used to?" Jack asks, looking down at me with an amused, yet curious expression.

"Maybe." I mumble and smile.

"So what, you agree to have some fun with me?" Jack asks suspiciously.

"I didn't say that." I tell him and he pouts.

"Look, Jack, I am sorry but I don't trust you enough to do stuff. I care about you, I do, but I am not going to sleep with you... or kiss you. I do like hugging you though." I tell him and hug him once more.

"You are like a big bear, with a lot of muscles." I point out.

"You don't trust me?" He asks, sounding hurt. Gazing up I meet his eyes with a frown, he has an unreadable look on his face.

"No, Jack, not when it comes to relationships. After what I have learned, you don't do relationships and I refuse to be some fuckbuddy." I tell him dryly.

"Fuckbuddy?" Jack repeats, lifting a brow.


"What if I don't want you as my fuckbuddy?" He asks and I blush. That is what I thought, that he wanted sex.

"What if I want something else?" Jack continues and I stare at him stunned.

"Do you?" I frown.

"I am not sure," he admits.

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