Chapter 57

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I am laying on top of Jack wearing a blanket above my, erhm, naked body and staring at nothing in particular.

"I can't believe we did it on the couch." I say my thoughts out loud.

I'm in somewhat of a daze at the moment. I just had sex, again, with Jack on the freaking couch. This is just so... bizarre. Out of nowhere I start to laugh against Jack's chest.

"What's so funny?" Jack laughs a bit as well, but looks downright confused.

"We had sex!" I say childishly sitting up, straddling him, and burst into a fit of giggles.

Jack looks at me as if I was suited for mental institution. "Uh, yeah we had?"

"We have had sex multiple times!" My fit of giggles is getting even worse.

Jack lets out a little insecure laugh, looks me up and down and smirks. "Yeah we had." He purrs and touch my bare stomach.

This makes me realize that I am currently naked. Looking down at myself, I start to laugh even more and I notice that Jack has a hard time keeping a serious face.

"I've slept with Jack Davis three times in the last two days, me! Could you ever have imagined that? And we did it on the flippin' couch! This is just getting better and better." I lay down on Jack again, laughing as I go.

"Should I be worried about this behavior?" He chuckles and strokes my hair.

"Nah, I'm just having a fit. It must be all the sex." I giggle.

Jack smiles and shakes his head. "Yeah, it must be."

"My sex god." I say jokingly with a wink and laugh even more. Jack just rolls his eyes.

"Hey." Jack says to gather my attention. "Sex god believes that Karen, keeper of this house, may be home soon. So crazy girl and sex god need to get dressed." He says with a caveman voice and I crack up, but almost immediately gets serious. He's right.

"Shit! You're right! Mum might be home any minute, quick get up!" I shout and jump off him.

"What if someone sees you through the window?" Jack says and is referring to my nudity.

Instantly I blush and pick up one of the blankets that has fallen to the floor. Jack has the other one and it's covering the bottom half of his body, leaving his chest on display.


"Ugh." I shake my head to clear my thoughts and then quickly pick up my dirty clothes.

Holding the blanket with one hand and my clothes in the other, I notice Jack grinning at me.

"What are you grinning at?"

"Nothing." His grin grows wider.

"Are you laughing at me?" I say acting shocked.

"Oh I would never do such a thing." He smirks and arises from the couch, the blanket falls right off him and he walks up to me.

Holy crap, Jack is standing butt naked in my living room!

"Jack! Cover yourself dammit!" I say rushed.

"Why? You were naked just seconds ago." He shrugs, wearing a satisfied grin on his face, obviously noticing the effect his naked body has on me.

"Yes, but that wasn't on purpose." I quickly drop my clothes and bring the blanket around us both.

"Well isn't this cozy?" Jack snickers and strokes a finger lightly over my collarbone.

"Yeah it is." I chuckle and hug his waist, covering us with the blanket.

How in the world did I end up with a naked Jack Davis in my home?



"Jack, stop."

"Stop it."

"For crying out loud, will you stop!" I shout when Jack takes yet another one of my French fries.

"Sorry." He says munching on my fry.

"You don't look sorry." I say grudgingly.

"Trust me, I am." He says without putting any effort to it.

"Sure you are." I roll my eyes.

We are seated by the table and eating dinner. Mum made steak with fries and Jack is stealing off mine, since he has already finish eating.

I see from the corner of my eye how mum is wearing a little smile on her face. It makes me happy that she is happy. I am starting to doubt that our little facade is still fooling her though.
Regardless, I cannot really care less at the moment.

Jack makes me happy and that is all that matters to me. Besides I think that mum would approve of our relationship if she knew about it, just like Sam does.

Unlike Keira, I think bitterly.

Wait... Did I just think that Jack and I are in a relationship?

This isn't good. This isn't good at all.

I can't think like that...

Jack and I aren't in a relationship, we are far from it. Well, on some aspects at least. I hardly believe that Jack will approve of a relationship. Hell, I don't even know if I will approve of it!

But I do want to spend time with Jack and I do like him. Besides if I don't want to be in a relationship with him, then what does that make me?

Who am I even trying to fool? Of course I want to be in a relationship with Jack, the only reason I am hesitant about it is because if his reaction towards it.

I want to become more with him, just like I have always wanted, but I don't know how much I can request before it becomes too much.

If I demand too much, then I might lose Jack all along and I can't do that.

Up till now everything has been going great between us, well most of it, and I don't want to lose all of it. Bringing up the talk of a relationship with Jack might just do the work, so for now I will wait and be grateful for what I have with him.

I do believe that I am special to Jack, he has said so himself. Even though he probably have done that to loads of different girls, but he hasn't been with any of them for as long as he has with me, I think.

Yes, I sound really pathetic with all these excuses, but what can I do? I like the guy.
I have managed to break the one promise I made myself this summer: I let Jack get to me.

But I am kind of glad he did, because I have had an awesome time. At least this weekend has been awesome. Too bad that is has flown by so fast. I can honestly say that these two days of freedom has passed me by quicker than the speed of light.

It must be the sex.


"Heyyo." I say as I bump down next to Jack on the sofa.

"Hey yourself." He says and tears his eyes away from the TV to look at me. We grin for a bit at each other and turn our focus back at the TV.

I try to keep up with what the reporter is talking about, but I all I can think of is the itchy feeling I have to touch Jack.

My fingers are tingling with excitement for touching him and I almost give in, however the picture of mum on my retina keeps from doing anything.

This is ridiculous really.

I have slept with the guy dammit and now I am back to not touching him. It is driving me insane and mostly I just want to jump at him, but that wouldn't solve any of my problems.

I seriously need to have a talk with Jack about us, otherwise something is bound to happen and I sort of fear the outcome.

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