Chapter 1

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My name is Sarah.

I am a 17-year-old girl living in a small town where everyone knows one another, and gossip travels faster than the speed of light. I live in a normal house with my, occasionally, normal mother, in a normal room. My grades are average, they could be better, but also worse. I've got an okay amount of friends and don't care about being with the popular kids. As long as they leave me alone I am happy.

There's only one problem in my life and that is called Jack Davis.

He is what you would call a bad boy. Always getting in trouble, both in school and outside. I have never liked Davis, ever. He is arrogant, thick-headed, rude and cocky.

Not to mention that he lives on his looks and plays girls constantly, it wouldn't surprise me if he carries a disease. He probably has a whole bunch of them.

He surely needs to learn some manners, but that is not in his nature. Now you might wonder why he might be a problem for me. Well since Mr. Idiot always gets in trouble, the school board decided to "help" him.

Their way of doing this is by forcing him to see a psychologist. Sure, enough that just had to be my mother. Of all the psychologists in the world, my mum is the one that has to deal with a complete douchebag.

Of course, I have already told her that there is no use in helping him, he is a lost cause. Not that she listens to me, nope, just like always she is trying to fix something that is beyond repairable.

I forgot to mention that Davis been constantly bothering me at school, blaming me for having to see my mum about his problems.

As if it is my fault he is a criminal who's currently in court caught up in some outlaw-drama-piece-of-shit. If he would just quit doing illegal stuff, things might go better. Though, I don't think he has enough of brain cells to realize this.

However, the real problem is that recently his parents passed away in a car crash. Since Davis is underage and he is who he is, the cops don't trust him. Neither does the court; therefore, he needs a guardian until he finishes high school.

The problem?

My mum signed up as a volunteer if no one else takes care of him.

Basically, that means that he is going to live with us.

For a year.


It is summer, and I have got absolutely nothing to do.

None of my friends are home and it is raining outside. Dully, I stare out my window in hope of spotting something funny or anything at all actually. But there is nothing in sight, not even a bird. Only water pouring from the sky.

Mum is working so I am totally alone and bored. It is just my mum and me living here since my older sister, Lana, moved out. She is twenty-three and left us three years ago. I miss her but have gotten used to being the only child in the house. Right now, she is traveling the world with her current boyfriend, Marcus or something. Lana has never had any problem with finding boys, unlike me that has never had a boyfriend.


I don't know why, but that is how it is.

I am quite the dreamer though and expect to find prince charming one day. Maybe that is what I am searching for through my window, my white knight. If that is the case, then I am going to be stuck here for an eternity.

In my town, those kinds of boys do not exist.

Somehow our town has ended up with only complete idiots, every single one of them. Not a single one looks good either.

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