Chapter 15

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"Yes, you are sharing a room. You will have to, since I probably will stay longer than you at the event and I am having some people over tomorrow before we are going home. Work you know," she explains.

We both nod slowly. I can understand that she can't have us near if they are going to have a meeting in mum's room. However this doesn't change they way I feel about sharing a room alone with Jack.

I am shocked, scared and exited.

I am sharing a hotel room, freaking alone, with Jack Davis.

Dear god.

"Can you promise me that you will behave?"

"Of course," we answer in chorus.

"Good. Now, the event doesn't start until seven o'clock, which gives us about six hours. I need to head out for a bit, do you want to come with me?"

"No. I think we'd rather stay and watch some TV, besides Jack isn't feeling very well." I tell her and glance at Jack.

"I can see that. Well, then you better rest, because you need to be well tonight," she tells him and Jack nods.

"We live on the third floor and I have room number 367 and you have number 368."

Mum informs us as we walk to the elevators. Inside they are playing classical music and one of the walls is one big mirror. I watch myself as we ride the elevator, my hair is a mess and my cheeks are a bit red. The ride up to the third floor is quick and soon we are outside our room. I blip my key against the lock and the door opens up.

"I'll come and check on you in a couple of hours, okay? Feel free to call room service and such if you are in need of anything."

"Yeah sure, bye!" Mum walks out and closes the door behind her.

I am alone with Jack, in a hotel.

Holy crap.

The more I think about, the more exited I get. I still have to confront him about this morning, but I hardly think that now is the best time.

Just like every other hotel room there are two beds, a TV, a desk, a phone and a mini-bar. Of course there is a toilet too. The hotel seems quite luxurious since everything is very new and shiny. Like the TV. The beds are super big, even though they are only for one person and on top of our sheets lays two small chocolate pieces. Jack removes the chocolate and lies down with a bounce. Quickly I open my bag and find some painkillers. I get a glass in the bathroom and fill it with water, then walk out and stand beside Jack.

"Here, take this." I tell him and hold out the pill.

"Thanks," he swallows it in one whisk and then falls back into the bed again. Realising that I probably won't be leaving this room in the near future, I change into something more comfortable: my sweatpants and my batman t-shirt. I put up my hair in a ponytail to get it out of the way. Jack is still lying in the same position when I walk out of the bathroom.

"Hey, you should change into something more comfy." I tell him, leaning over him to see if he is awake.

"I am good," he mumbles.

"Yes, I can see that." I say dryly and he opens his eyes. Surprised to find my face so close to his.

"Well, hello there," he breathes and puts an arm around my waist, dragging me down into the bed.

"Jack!" I squeal, not ready for it at all.

"Fuck, my ears!" Jack complains and releases me to cover them.

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