Chapter 20

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I follow the redheaded girl out of the dining room. We left in the middle of dinner, without finishing our plates.

According to miss ginger we are just "going out for some fresh air".

What a load of bullshit.

I know what she is expecting and she is not getting it. I am only doing this to piss off Sarah.

I know she is back in the dining room, jealous out of her mind right now. I can't believe what she said earlier about us being too fast.

Is she fucking kidding me?

I have never moved this slow with a girl in my entire fucking life! It is agonizing for crying out loud!

And the part about me getting into her panties, damn, I had no clue she felt that way. She is almost onto me. I am going to have to play even smoother if I don't want to fuck this up.

We walk up towards the bar, which is empty and I sit down on one of the bar stools. Jennifer walks up to me and stands between my legs, looking at me. I think she is trying to look sexy, but to me it mostly looks funny. She has been incredibly annoying tonight, babbling about tons of different things that I can't even remember.

"Look, sweetheart, whatever you are expecting won't happen." I tell her and she looks at me in surprise.

"You like her," she then proceeds to say and I glare at her.

"Excuse me?"

"You like Sarah. That is why you brought me out here, to piss her off."

"You could say that." I shrug. "But I don't like her." I tell her sternly.

"Then why do you do it?"

"I have my reasons." Jennifer narrows her eyes at me.

"You want to fuck her?" She asks after a while, but it is more like a statement, and I give her a long look.

"Why the hell would you want to do that?"

I glare at her warningly.

"Come on, Jack, why do you want to get inside of her panties?"

"Why the fuck should I tell you?"

"Because I would like a reason to why I am letting you use me like this, a good reason."

"It is a bet alright?" I tell her irritated.

"You are going to fuck Sarah Reed because of a bet? Jeez, you are an ass."

"Who is in need of money." I glare at her.

"What are you going to tell her when she finds out?"

"She won't find out."

"But if she does, you will break her heart. You can't find a more innocent girl than Sarah. Trust me, you don't want to hurt her," she says and I snap my eyes at her.

"She is a grown girl." I point out, trying to ignore the rest of what she said.

"Whatever, dude, I am just warning you." She shrugs and the clicks out a tequila bottle from the bar.

"You want some?"

"Why not?" I shrug. She pours up two shots and hands me one of them. I sweep it down in one blow and it burns my throat. I can't say that tequila is my favorite liquor. It tastes like shit really, especially if you drink it without the salt and lemon.

"Another one?" I nod. Sweeping this down too, I relax a bit. Even though the alcohol barely effects me, but it helps me relax anyway.

"I guess that we are done here, if you don't want to do a quickie behind the bar?" Jennifer offers, one last attempt.

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