Chapter 71

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I stand outside Jack's room with a new formed determinism, I won't accept any rejection this time.

"Jack?" I say calmly knocking the door lightly. I don't expect a response and do not get one either.

"Come on." I grunt and slam the door pretty hard. Still there is only silence.

"Damn it, Jack, open the bloody door!" I yell and start hammering on the hard surface. I don't get any response what so ever.

"Open the damn door so I can talk to you, Jack, otherwise I'll kick you so hard in the nuts, the next time I see you, that you won't be able to ever have sex again." I threaten him.

I am starting to get really angry with him, he is acting like a child! Sure I said some things I shouldn't have, but it isn't like he is innocent. He completely sold me out to mum, even though he promised not to tell.

"Stop acting so god damn prudish! I'm trying to apologize to you, okay? Even though you have lied to me all of this time! I cannot believe you told mum about us, you- you fucking promised you wouldn't! But hey, I'm just a fool for trusting a guy like you aren't I?"

I am full on screaming by now, not giving a crap if mum hears or not.

"You can't even accept a freaking apology even if it were thrown in your face!" I shout angrily and have to stop to take a breath. I expect some sort of response and wait, while breathing heavily, for Jack to at least open the door. Still I am met with silence.

"Fine, you know what? Screw this, I give up." I scream, using every last bit of my energy, and then head to my own room. Slamming my own door so hard that I am surprised it doesn't break.

I make myself ready for mum to come in and yell at me for making things worse between Jack and I, but no one shows. Feeling both alone and like a failure I change into my pj's, which is an oversized t-shirt. Not wanting to leave my room I skip brushing my teeth and go straight to bed.

As I lay there in bed and replay the day I start to feel helpless. This has been the worst Saturday by far. I screwed up real badly, I wish I would have just shut up. I wish Jack never had left with Daniel, if he hadn't, none of this would have happened.

Gloomily I pick my nails and stare out my bedroom window. I don't know how long I lay like that, both pitying and hating on myself, before I hear my door open. Hoping that it is Jack I sit up instantly, excitement flooding through me.

Maybe he wants to talk and sort things out?

A small, insecure, smile spreads over my lips as Jack enters my room and I start to get my hopes up. Finally we can get back to normal, whatever that means between the two of us.

"Hey." I say rather hoarsely and butterflies emerge in my stomach, they always do.

Jack doesn't say anything back, instead he just creeps over the floor and stand before me. Feeling rather puzzled, I look at him curiously and troubled. "Wha-" Before I can finish my sentence Jack has reached down and is now kissing me, like seriously kissing me. It is both hot and passionate and it stirs a warm feeling deep inside of me.


"Well that was nice." Jack says, tangling himself away from me and stands up. I am taken aback by his actions and don't understand what he is doing until he starts to get dressed.

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