Chapter 3

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We are still at the Italian restaurant, but we have moved down to the basement where they have more booths and also pool tables.

We have ordered our food, pizzas for everyone except Hannah; who ordered a salad. She gave me a skeptical look when I ordered my food and I felt like strangling her.

The boys have started a game of pool while we wait for our food, in the meantime Hannah and I are sitting by our booth, sipping on our drinks. Hannah keeps staring bitterly at me, every now and then making a fake smile which gives me the creeps.

"Don't think that you will have any chance with him." She suddenly says, breaking our uncomfortable silence.

I nearly choke on my drink. "Sorry?" I ask between the coughs.

"Don't act so innocent. I know that you are interested in him, but it is useless. Trust me, he is not your type."

"Thank you. I am well aware of that." I inform her dryly.

"Really? Doesn't seem like it, not with the looks you are giving him."

"What looks?"

"Seriously?" Hannah laughs. "You are giving him such heated looks that I get wet in my pants." She hisses with her voice thick of irony.

"Those are looks of hatred, not affection." I tell her patiently.

"Whatever you say, sweetheart." She scoffs.

"It is true, we both know it."

"You know, the fact that you are so eager to convince me tells me the difference."

"Then you are deluded." I say before I can stop myself and my cheeks start to burn. Hannah's eyes widen, but then she narrows them at me.

"Sorry, I didn't mean that." I mumble and fidget with my nail.

"Yes, you did."


"Don't lie to me, blondie, I am not stupid."

You could've fooled me.

"Don't call me blondie." I tell her through gritted teeth.

"Hey, Hannah, stop making her uncomfortable." Richard interrupts us and sits down next to me.

"I am not, she is-,"

"Then why can I sense her unease all the way from the pool table?" He insists, and I cringe.

Do they really have to talk about me in third person? I don't like that at all.

"Whatever, I am going over to the others. Being around you two will only give me a headache." Hannah snorts and then walks over to Daniel and Jack. She gives Daniel a big kiss on the mouth and I feel like throwing up.

"So, Sarah, is it really true that Jack is living with you?"

"You are his friend, you should know." I tell him more harshly than I intend, still pissed off about Hannah's jump at me. Richard only laughs, and I relax. He is the only one in here that I actually find okay.

"Slow your horses, it is Hannah you are mad at, not me."

"Sorry." I say sincerely.

"No worries. I guess that I should take that as a yes by the way?"

I laugh. "You should."

"Let me guess, he is a pain in the ass?"

"He definitely is." I say dryly.

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