Chapter 42

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I wake up as the sunrays hit my face and turn around with a grunt. I don't want to wake up yet, it is too early, or at least it feels like it. Actually I have no idea of what time it is.

I turn around again, with another grunt, to check the time on my phone. Eight thirty two.

Fuck. I am late, again.

With one more grunt, I stand up and get dressed. It is not until I am downstairs and see Karen at the breakfast table that I realize it is Saturday.

"Oh come on!" I complain loudly.

"Good morning to you too." Karen says calmly, holding a tea cup between her hands whilst sipping from it.

"Morning." I grunt, feeling grumpy about getting up early.

"What are you so grumpy about?"

"I thought I was late for school." I mutter and start making myself a sandwich.

Karen is eating oatmeal and drinking her tea and she seems utterly relaxed.

"I see." She starts. "You didn't seem too stressed about being late." I know she is trying to scold me, but I just shrug it off.

Sitting down across from her, I start eating my sandwich and sip on my coffee. Hopefully the caffeine can make me happier, though I doubt it.

"Where's Sarah?" I ask, pointing out her absence.

"Probably still asleep."

I groan loudly and slump against the table, lucky bastard that gets to sleep.

"Oh come on, Jack, it's not that bad being up early and frankly it's not that early." She says with a cheery voice and I glare at her. "Don't forget that you have community service at ten o'clock," she reminds me and I groan once more. It seems to be the only noise I am capable to make today.

"This day just gets better and better."

Unhappily, I continue to eat my sandwich.

It is nine o'clock when I finish, which gives me approximately forty minutes to go and I know exactly how I would like to spend them. Quickly I finish my breakfast and leave Karen at the table. She gives me a curious look, but I ignore it.

I get ready in the bathroom and then head towards Sarah's room. She is lying in her bed, asleep. I close the door quietly behind me and sneak up to her bed. Bringing my face close to hers, I run my nose along her cheek and kiss her below the ear.

She mumbles at my touch and move, but does not wake.

In one move, I bring up her covers and lay down next to her. She awakes startled and sits up, tiredly looking around. Her eyes narrow when they see me and she drags a hand over her face.

"What are you doing here?" She asks with a yawn and bumps down beside me.

"I have to leave soon and I wanted to spend my last minutes with you."

Sarah grunts, but doesn't object. Instead she turns around and cuddles up against me, spooning against my side.

"Where's mum?" She asks with a sigh and closed eyelids.

"Downstairs and I don't think she'll come up any time soon."

"Good." She sighs again, happily, and nuzzles my chest. Resting her head upon it.

"Where are you going?"

"Community service." I remind her tiredly with an eye roll. "You should seriously have learned that by now."

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