Chapter 16

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There is a knock on the door and I wake up startled, unable to move. On top of me lies the teenage version of Johnny Depp, though he is ten times hotter. Don't ask me how that is even possible.

The knocking is back and I hear mum call out my name.

"Shit!" I try to move, but Jack is in the way, since when did he get this heavy? He awakes from my scream and looks completely out of place. Finally moving as I push his shoulders. Free at last, I run to the door and open it.

"Hi, honey," mum says and step inside.

"Hey, mum." I say catching my breath.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, uh, we fell asleep and you startled me." I tell her, which is true.

"Yes, I thought you might pass out."

"What time is it?"

"It is five o'clock, so I think you should start getting ready for tonight." She looks at Jack, who has fallen asleep again.

"Don't worry about him, I'll handle that." I tell her and laugh. This makes mum look at me in surprise.

"That pleases me."


"That you two have become friends," she says and caress my cheek. "Just let it stay that way, honey," she continues with a wink.

"Mum!" I hiss at her and she laughs.

"Don't be late," she warns, pointing a finger at me.

"We won't."

I close the door after her. Then I turn to Jack, who is still sleeping peacefully in his bed. Without hesitation I run up to the bed and jump onto him.

"Wake up!" I shout with laughter and Jack awakes with a jolt. Looking completely lost for a second and then locking his eyes with mine, narrowing them.

"What the hell are you doing?" He shouts angrily

"I am waking you up." I say proudly with a smile.

"Fucking bitch." He growls and grabs my wrists to yank me towards him. Pushing me down into the bed, he starts tickling me and I squeal.


"Jack! Stop it!"

"Never!" He says and tickles me by the throat, where I am extra sensitive.

"No!" I scream, dying of laughter.

"Sorry! I am sorry! Please stop!" I squeal.

"Oh, so you are sorry?" He stops, leaning close to me. I catch my breath and smile at him.

"Yes, I am sorry." I apologise and try to break free. "Let me go Jack."

"No," he says and leans in even closer, so that our noses meet. "Give me a kiss," his breath is on my lips.

"Jack-." I try to move my face, but he holds it in place.

"Just one," he cuts me off and I get an idea.

"Okay, fine, but I want to be on top." I tell him and he looks surprised.

"Sure, anything you want, baby," he grins and swaps us around so I am sitting astride him.

"Now this I like," he points out and grabs my hips, I just roll my eyes at him.


"I always do."

"Whatever you say, Davis." I say and lean forward so that our face our close again. Jack stares at me with a look of desire and excitement. I myself have so many butterflies in my stomach that I feel like throwing up.

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