Chapter 25

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"Wake up." Someone shakes my shoulder.

"Jack, come on, wake up." The shaking gets harder and I groan. Tiredly I open my eyes and see that Sarah is eyeing me closely.

"What?" I blink a couple of times to get my eyes to focus.

"Are you hungry?"

"What?" Yawning, I stretch my arms as far as I can. Which isn't very far in the small space that is my seat.

"They are handing out food, are you hungry?" Sarah asks with a yawn, clearly she has newly awoken too. I nod at her question and sit up more straight.

"Do you know what kind of food it is?"

"Nope, I bet chicken." She says with a wink and I can help but smile.

I think of the way it had felt to have Sarah's lips on my own. She tasted so sweet. They way she kissed me this morning surprised me big time, it usually takes some time to get that relaxed with someone.

Yet she kissed and touched me in a way that made my blood heat. Her kisses drives me crazy; all I want is to bury myself in her. Sadly she has made it clear that isn't ready for that.

You usually don't jump into bed with someone if you don't have any pre-experience about that kind of stuff, at least if you are the type of girl that Sarah is.

I don't know for how long I can wait though; I want her badly, not only because of the bet. Somehow it feels like Sarah belongs to me, maybe it is the fact that she's never been with anyone before.

That girl blows my mind.

Wait, what the hell? What the fuck am I thinking?

I shake my head to clear my thoughts. This has to stop. The only reason I am with Sarah is because of the bet.

I have no interest in her what so ever, not like that anyway. I do care about her, it is fucking hard not to do that when she is so caring about everything. I can have her as a friend, but that is it. I am not getting into something shitty like a relationship with her. I believe that is what she is expecting and I understand her. I did tell her that I like her, which I don't, not in the way she believes. I only said that to make her calm down, otherwise we would have gotten nowhere. I had to do it.

I was being serious about her being smart and hot, so fucking hot. Especially when she is laying on top off me in nothing but her pyjamas.

I groan internally as I think of this. The fact that she is thinking of telling everyone else about us making out is highly disturbing. Like I told her, I don't want to waltz around about this. All I need is to behave this charming until she agrees to get even more intimate and then the money will be mine.

It will happen.

The question is just how long it'll take. Hopefully not too long, but I will have to be patient. Sarah has shown a greater interest in being with me than I expected, but she's not stupid and therefore keeps her distance.

"Jack? Are you going to eat by yourself or am I going to have to feed you?" Sarah disturbs my thinking and I shake my head once more to clear my mind. In front of me is a box with my food in it. Sarah has opened hers and is already eating. I stare dumbfounded at her.

Feed me?

Oh I would like to see that.

I smirk mischievously at her.

"Don't even think about it, I wasn't serious," she warns, pointing her fork at me. Acting disappointed, I pout and she narrows at me. I love how she reacts at me pouting. She loves it and hates herself for doing that.

"Don't pout."

"Sorry, baby." I grin and then open my box. It is chicken.

"You owe me five bucks."

"I do not!"

"Yeah, you do, we had a bet."

"No, we hadn't."

"According to me we had."

"I didn't bet back-."

"Not my problem, you taught me this and since I was right you owe me five bucks."

"It doesn't count if I don't bet back."

"According to who?"

"That is just the way it is. Everyone knows how betting works." I say irritated, where the hell was she going with this? It made no fucking sense.

"Oh really? That is too bad, I was ready to change the money for something else," she makes a puppy face. I just frown, not following at all.

She glances quickly at Karen whose not paying attention to us. She is still pissed off about last night. Then Sarah leans in closer to me.

"I was thinking about changing the money to a kiss, but I guess we could might as well forget it since it doesn't count." Her lips brush against my ear and her breath tickles me. Oh she wants to play? Fine by me.

"Well, that surely mad things more interesting, but just a kiss? I think it is worth more, like a blow job." I tease her and the reaction is immediate.

Sarah pulls back surprised and her cheeks are pink with embarrassment. She is searching after some sign about me being serious and I give her a wicked smile. Insecure, she blinks a couple of times and I grin at her in amusement. She is still the innocent girl she was two days ago before I kissed her.

The thought about a blowjob obviously makes her uneasy. Which really is too bad, since having her down there probably would feel like heaven.

I give Sarah the time she needs to settle down and surprisingly it doesn't take that long. All of a sudden the embarrassment is gone and she smiles confidently at me.

"Don't flatter yourself, Jack, it was five just five bucks," she rolls her eyes at me. She spoke out loud and since our subject isn't the ultimate to discuss in front of Karen, I keep shut. All I do is wink at her and with a grin she winks back.

"You know, flirting with you is childishly funny." I whisper in her ear and then nibble it. Sarah gasps out loud, obviously not ready for this.

"What?" Uh-oh, Karen looks questioning at us.

"Nothing," she mumbles embarrassed and pinch my thigh. I grin at her and then look at Karen, who is once again reading her newspaper, wearing a smile on her face, it is not big, yet it is there.

I smile too, looks like I have mummy's approval when it comes to charming Sarah. Actually I think she is happy that we just have stopped fighting, boy is she going to be disappointed.

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