Chapter 9

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I can't believe I am back to this hellhole.

It is bad enough having to live in that atrocious house. They expect me to show gratitude for letting me live there, what a fucking joke. As if I actually cared about finishing high school. Now I live in constant fighting with that annoying little bitch.

If it weren't for that goddamn wager I never even would have started to talk to her. She is a fucking prude.

Though I can honestly say that I am surprised about her behaviour at the party. I thought she would end it, but instead she joined in. Now that was a big fucking surprise. However the fact that she doesn't want to kiss me pisses me off more than anything, like what is her freaking problem? Am I not good enough for her?


It makes this whole thing a bit harder, but I will succeed in the end. I always do. Sooner or later I will have her wrapped around my finger and then Dan will have to eat up his damn words. No girl is any match for me, I can get whoever I want.

I am seated in the cafeteria, surrounded by my so-called friends. Most of them are just stick-ups and take any chance they get to lick my feet, so to speak. Aside from them Daniel and Miles are at the table, currently discussing something utterly boring.

I have a blonde girl in my lap, whose name I can't remember, caressing my hair and she is staring hungrily at my lips. With an eye roll I grab her face and bring her mouth to mine. Eagerly her tongue meets mine, she tastes like bubblegum.

"Well, well, look who is here." Dan interrupts us and nods towards the entrance. Sarah just stepped inside with her friend, whatever her name is again. I study her as she stands in the line for food, her back facing me. The friend suddenly turns her head around and sees me looking at them. Frowning she turns back and then says something to Sarah, who turns and look at me. After a moment she gives me a small smile and waves at me. Surprised I lift my eyebrows. She is greeting me?

In school?

While I am surrounded by my friends?

"Reed is waving at you dude." Miles points out amused.

"Yeah I know."

"Aren't you going to wave back?"

"Nah, that would just be weird." I tell him and he laughs.

"Don't tell me you have forgotten about the bet?" Dan joins the conversation.

"No, I remember it."

"Then you should have waved back, she is going to be pissed at you now." Dan states.

"I can handle it." I shrug and start kissing the blonde girl again. That will make Dan shut up, his nagging about this bet is making me pissed.

"Sure you can, just remember that you don't have all the time in the world, Jack. Otherwise the money is mine." Dan continues when I pull away from the girl.

"I know, Dan." I mutter with a frown. Jeez it has not been that long, I have plenty of time.

"What bet?" Blondie asks.

"Just a bet." I shrug.

"About Jack getting into Reed's panties." Dan grins.

"How much did you bet on?" Miles asks.

"Two hundred dollars."

Miles blows out a low whistle and then turns to me. "Good luck, dude. She is like the school's biggest prude; I bet she is a damned virgin."

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