Chapter 66

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"Duncan said that we should meet him by The Banners." I tell Daniel and he makes his course towards the bar. The Banners is an old bar run by Duncan.

Duncan is my... employer, might be the right word. Correction: mine and Daniel's. He provides us with opportunities that are beneficial for my economy, so to speak. Usually it involves... well pretty nasty shit. It's not some legal crap if you get my point.

Last time Duncan told us to fulfill one of his demands, it involved threatening some guys that was planning on starting up their own business near Duncan's quarters. No one does shit like that, no one.

Duncan has total monopoly in his field of business in a certain area of the city, and no one is to compete with him.

Of course neither Karen nor Sarah knows about this. I am sure Karen would have been glad over the fact that I am making money on my own, although, she would prefer if I did it legally and paid taxes and shit like that.

Therefore she is not to be told about this. There is not even a question about why I haven't told Sarah.

First of all, she would snitch to Karen in a nano second. Second of all, she would flip the tables on me and freak the fuck out, and then it is bye bye blow jobs. It is probably bye bye Sarah for good then, and that is not a risk I am taking.

Besides, it is not like I will tell her. As long as this stays a secret, everything will be fine. Hell I don't have some sort of obligation to tell her, I'm not bound to her in any way. Well, maybe sexually...

"Hey, fellas. Long time no see." Duncan's deep, dark and masculine voice rings throughout the bar when he notices our presence.

"Hey, Duncan." I walk up and am greeted with a friendly hug and a pat on the back. Let me tell you, the guy is big. No, scratch that, he is HUGE. He is nothing but muscles. "Yeah, it sure has been some time."

Daniel shakes Duncan's hand. "Duncan." He greets with a nod.

I have always been closer to Duncan than Daniel. Duncan is like a father to me, or an older brother, and has helped me through some rough times. Times that I do not wish to speak of.

"I heard that you are looking for jobs, are you broke again?" Duncan says with a roaring laugh. Now when I said that the guy is huge, I wasn't lying. He is about two meters tall and weighs more than a hundred kilos. Duncan has no hair on his head, he is bald like... a bald guy? The top of his head shines, that is how bald he is. Duncan's arms are at least twice the size of mine, and I work out five to six times a week. So yeah, he is huge.

"Jack isn't." Daniel is quick to inform. "He just won a bet, what was it? Two hundred bucks?" Dan looks at me and I just shrug. I would rather just let that bet go.

"Really? What did you do?" Duncan asks interested, curiously meeting my gaze.

"Nothing in particular, I just had to sleep with someone." I mutter and clear my throat.

"Jack." Duncan says, sounding very much like Karen. In return I give him a bold look, clearly questioning the fact that he is about to scold me. I know Duncan is only trying to help, we have been very close these last couple of months. Especially since my parents died. He has helped me to get back on my feet after having some... well, troubled time.

"Don't, Duncan, it's my life and I know what I am doing. So don't even go there." I warn him with a stern voice.

"Fine. Fine." He says, putting up his hands in surrender. "I won't be a pain in the ass." He promises with a grin.

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