Chapter 27

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"I hate vampires," he mumbles into my ear and strokes his lips along my cheek.

"You could have said that a bit earlier." I point out with an eye roll.

"I didn't want to argue."

"Sure you didn't." I laugh, not believing him for one bit. "Are you sure this isn't about you wanting to make out?" I ask sugar sweet and turn my face towards him.

Jack considers this for a moment and then nods in agreement. Then without any warning he kisses me passionately, very passionately. Leaning over and pressing me down into the bed. Our hands are all over the place. On my hips, in his hair, around my cheeks, clutching his shoulders. Excitingly exploring one another. Feeling light headed and slightly dizzy, I pull apart and catch my breath.

"Just watch the goddamn movie, Jack." I breathe and bite his bottom lip.

"That is not fair," he grunts and pulls me back. "Besides we have school tomorrow, we won't see each other in all day."

"It is not that long." I point out with a giggle.

"We will see what you say tomorrow after school." He raises a brow and turns towards the TV. I snort and position myself on his chest again.

Like I wouldn't be able to last a day without Jack Davis.






I hit my alarm clock as hard as I can, making it fall to the floor. With a groan, I pick it up again and see that it is six forty five.

Yawning, I sit up in my bed and stretch out my arms.



I fell asleep too late last night, just because Jack refused to let me go to bed. The movie was still playing, but I kept dozing off on Jack's shoulder. It was very cosy, but at the same time a bit dangerous if mum would have walked in on us.

Luckily she didn't. Eventually I fell asleep and woke up a bit later. Jack was still awake by then and the movie was near its end. Still Jack refused to let me go to bed, he blamed that the movie wasn't over.

When it finally was, he gave me a long goodnights kiss, which made me even drowsier and a bit woozy.

I always get woozy when Jack kisses me.

There is going to be no kissing today though, since we both are going to be preoccupied with school.

I arise from my bed with a groan and walk over to my drawer to pick out some clothes. Without any thought I pick a dark blouse and my black jeans. Not the most colourful choice, at least it matches my morning mood.

Once I have changed, I head to the bathroom to fix my hair. It is a mess, therefore I braid it onto my right side. After that I tiredly put on some powder and mascara and head downstairs.

Yawning as I go. Mum is already awake and is ready to leave for work.

"Good morning, sweetie," she says when I enter.

"Hey mum." I answer a bit warily, afraid that she is still mad. I pour myself a cup of tea and make a sandwich.

"You look tired." Mum points out when I sit down next to her.

"Didn't get much sleep tonight." I explain with a yawn.

"Were you and Jack together in his room last night?" Mum frowns and I blush.

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