Chapter 60

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"I'm going to murder him." I tell Sam through gritted teeth.

"You have every reason to. He's behaved like a total jerk today."

We are seated in the car, on the way to my house, and I have informed Sam about Jack's shitty behavior today. He agrees that Jack has been a total idiot today and, yes even though it is wrong, we have been shit talking about him the last ten minutes.

I feel sort of bad about it, since I really like Jack. But I am so incredibly mad at him and he is going to know just how angry I am, once I get home. You don't treat me like that and then get away with it. Hell to the no.

"Good luck and don't bite his head off, you will just regret it." Sam says with a wink and hugs me good bye.

"I shall try not to." I smile and hug him back.

"Thank you so much for doing this, you are the best." I tell him and kiss his cheek.

"Anything for you darling." Sam says before I close the car door. Rather furiously I walk up the porch and slam the front door behind me.

"Jack! Where the hell are you?" I shout as I, rather forcefully, kick of my shoes and drag off my jacket.

Of course there is no answer. Jack is neither in kitchen, nor in the living room. Which means that he has to be in his room.

Angrily, not to say very loudly, I climb the stairs and have to stop to catch my breath once I reach the top. The door to Jack's room is closed, I yank it open with so much force that it hits the wall and the sight before almost makes me squeal.

"Sarah! What the hell!" Jack shouts and tries to cover himself.

"Oh.. oh my-" I am standing in the doorway speechless. "Oh my god!" I then scream and cover my mouth with both hands.

Feeling very embarrassed, my cheeks turn red, hastily I move my hands to my eyes instead of the mouth.

"What the fuck! Have you ever heard about knocking?!" Jack screams angrily and I can hear his zipper go up.

I spread my fingers to a peephole and carefully look at Jack. He is fully dressed now and standing up, so I let my hands fall to my sides.

I don't know why I am so embarrassed, I have seen Jack naked a couple of times now, yet what I just saw him do is... too much, I must admit that it did kind of send butterflies to my lower regions though.

The little accident put me out of my state, but seeing Jack's angry face brings back my own emotions rather quickly.

"What the hell is your problem?" I snap at him, totally ignoring his remark about knocking.

"My problem? If there is anyone of us that has a problem it is you! You just walked in on me jerking off and you ask me if I have a problem? Are you mental or something?"

I feel my cheeks redden once more as Jack mentions what he was doing.

"That was not on purpose. It's not my fault that you don't lock your door and besides, who the hell does that at this time?" I argue back.

We are standing a few meters away and screaming at each other as if we were deaf or something.

"There is no fucking rules about when you can do it or not!"

"Whatever! This isn't relevant!"

"Oh yeah, then what is?"

"The fact that you are the biggest jerk on the planet! Not to mention the biggest narcissist that has ever walked on this earth!"

"Narcissist? I don't even know what the hell that means, but I am not a fucking narcissist. If anything you are the narcissist!"

"You can't use a word if you don't its meaning." I snap at him. I'm a besserwisser, I know.

"I can do what the fuck ever I want."

"Yes obviously! And you don't care about the outcome either, do you? No you just care about yourself!"

"Don't start with this shit again! Call me a jerk all you want, it won't do anything good!" Jack shouts and walks up to me so we almost are standing nose to nose. Not that I reach up to Jack's nose.

"You know what? Fuck you, Jack! You just left me, you fucking abandoned me!"

"Oh wow, would you look at that? The good girl is using the f-word, such foul language coming from such an innocent mouth. While you are at it you might as well blow me, seeing as your mouth already is filthy."

"The only filthy thing in here is you!"

"Go fuck yourself." Jack growls.

"Thanks, but no thanks. I don't do shit like that, unlike some others." I drawl.

"Right, it is only me who does that stuff with you and you love it." Jack says and corners me against the wall. Putting his hands on either side of me.

This gives me an idea. If Jack believes that he can run me over just because I don't act the way he wants, he will soon realize that he is very wrong.

"Yes, I do." I murmur quietly and sneak my arms around him. To say that he is slightly surprised is an understatement, he is completely taken aback. Still, he gathers himself pretty quickly.

"Yeah, you do." He mumbles and puts his hands in my jeans pockets, pushing me towards him.

"Uh-huh." I agree and then slowly kiss him.

While we kiss, I carefully pushes him towards the bed, never breaking the contact. Once we reach the bed I make him sit down on it, using my hand to lightly push down on his shoulder. When he is seated, I sit down astride on his lap and continue to kiss him.

I believe that Jack is somewhat in chock, he isn't used to me being in charge and I can feel that it is turning him on. He was already aroused since before, so this will be an easy thing to do. Once I am seated on his lap, I slowly start to grind my hips against his, while deepening the kiss.

"You like this don't you?" I say after a while, still moving and lean my head back, letting my hair fall down my spine.

Jack grunts loudly and hides against my neck. "Oh god yes." He mutters and grabs my ass.
I give him a confident smirk.

"Good, very good." I say satisfied, almost sounding like Mr. Burns when he says the word excellent. I continue my slow torture and can't help but getting some enjoyment out of it myself.

"Oh god, Sarah don't stop." Jack says and tries to move my hips faster with his hands.

"Actually, that is exactly what I am going to do." I tell him and stand up, still having each hand on his shoulders.

"Screw you, Jack." I purr and then walk out, slamming the door behind me.

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