Chapter 17

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"Jack! Where the hell did you get those?" I ask embarrassedly and try to take the panties from him, but  he holds them above my reach.

"I snuck them out of your bag, they are lovely. You should wear them," he smirks and gives me a cocky smirk.

"Jack, give me my panties." I order him, my voice hard as a rock. Jack smiles playfully at me and takes a step closer.

"If you let me kiss you."

"On your neck." he fills in when I am about to protest. I open my mouth to tell him no, but consider it for a while.

"Fine, now hand them to me." I say seriously and reach after them.


"I promise! Now give me my damn panties!"

Watching me closely, Jack slowly lets go of my underwear. Once I have them in my hand, I throw them out of his reach. Not caring about my panties, Jack pulls me towards him and brings his face to my neck. Nuzzling my hair.

"You smell really good," he says and I close my eyes, my breath, not to mention heart, starts to pick up. His arms steady me and I have my own around his neck.

"Just get it over with, Davis." I tell him and roll my eyes.

"Oh, don't tell me that you don't enjoy this as much as I do?" He chuckles and kisses my shoulder.

"I don't." I lie with a smile and my grip around his neck tightens.

"Liar." He says and kisses his way along my neck. I giggle and Jack smiles at me before nibbling my ear.

"Okay, I might enjoy it." I admit and start stroking his hair, twisting it between my fingers. I glance at the night table and see that the time is almost six.

"Shit! You have to shower now." I tell Jack and starts pushing him through the door, without losing my towel.

"Oh come on!"

"You have less than an hour." I tell him and then push him inside the bathroom.

Walking back to my bed, I pick up the thongs and put them on. Then I proceed with putting on my bra and a pair of stockings. I wait with putting on my dress, since I can't zip it up anyway. Instead I start brushing my still wet hair and make it lay right. Then I begin to apply makeup, carefully making it as perfect as possible.

About fifteen minutes later, I hear Jack turn off the shower. Quickly I jump into my dress, not wanting him to see me in just my underwear.

Sitting down at the desk again, with an unzipped dress, I continue with my make up.

Jack walks out, in nothing but a towel around his waist, and my jaw drops. I stare at him in the mirror, completely mind blown. His dark hair is damp and is in its usual messy way. His shoulder are broad and his torso is... amazing. It is long and muscular and my eyes lock on his abs.

Dear lord.

They are in that perfect type of way, when you can see that he works out but not too much.

Feeling my stomach twitch, he passes and stands by his suitcase with his back towards me. I stare hungrily at him, not able to tear my gaze away.

How I would love to run my hands across that perfect back of his. Picking up a pair of boxers and a pair of pants, he turns around and notices me staring at him. With a grin he walks up to me.

"Well hello, beautiful," he smirks and I melt. He smells incredibly good and I die a little inwardly.

"Hi." I breathe and blink a few times. Too obvious with my affection for him.

I get ready for Jack to kiss my cheek or something, but he just passes me.

Disappointed I stare after him and then remember that I have one eye left to do. I continue with my make up and suddenly get the feeling as if we were much older and living together. It is a very weird feeling. Jack comes out again, this time with pants on, but still no shirt.

"I thought we weren't playing any games." I mutter against the mirror.

"Sorry?" Jack turns to me, innocently sweet.

"I know what you are playing at, please stop."

"I am sorry, baby, but you are going to have to be more accurate about what you are saying." Jack smirks and starts putting on a watch. Still not wearing a shirt.

Irritated I walk up to his suitcase and pick out a white one.

"Just put the god damn shirt on!" I snap and hand him the shirt.

"Oh, am I bothering you?"

"I didn't say that."

"So I don't have to put this on?"

"Yes, you do, and then zip me up."

"Come again?"

"My dress, I can't do it myself." I tell him and looks at the opening that reveals my naked back. Jack stares at my back for a while and I feel my cheeks getting hot.

The cuddling and stuff like that I can take, but I don't feel comfortable in having someone staring at my body. Not with clothes and definitely not without clothes.

I squirm and start to fidget with my hair.
Slowly Jack puts on his shirt and start buttoning it up. It is as if he knows that I am feeling uneasy and wants to make me wait as long as I can.


When he is finally done, Jack walks up to me. Holding my hair out of the way, he carefully starts zipping up my dress without touching my skin and a tension builds up inside me. My breathing becomes more rapid and I blink at myself in the mirror.

What is happening to me? Since when did I ever let a guy come this close to me, not to mention kiss me?

On the neck... but still!

Less than a month ago I wouldn't even considered it possible, especially not with Jack of all guys.

I can't say that I don't enjoy it, because I do, but it feels so unreal. I have never had a guy swooning over me and now I am being assaulted with kisses from someone who is the male version of a Victoria's Secrets model.

Don't get me wrong. I am not complaining, just surprised.

Big time.

Jack has barely even looked at me in school before and now he is all "damn, I'd like to do you."

So, I repeat, what the hell is happening to me? Jack notices my confused look reflecting in the mirror and frowns.

"Is something wrong?" He asks, finishing zipping up my dress.

"I don't know." I whisper and meet his eyes in the mirror. Jack gives me a puzzled look and then strokes my shoulder lightly.

"It is six forty five, we should get going." He says and puts on his costume.

He looks incredibly dashing. I too stand up and my dress falls smoothly down my legs, ending slightly above my knees. Jack gawks at me and I feel my cheeks getting hot.

"You look stunning, baby," he says, putting his arm around my waist.

"Why thank you, handsome." I say shyly and bump him with my hip.

"You have forgotten to tie your bow." I tell him and hold it up.

"I am not wearing that."

"Yeah, you are."

"I can't tie it."

"Neither can I, but mum knows how to." I tell him and drag him out the room.

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